Thursday, June 4, 2015

BRotD - Entry 0218 Path to Purchase Through Mobile by Google

Think With Google is a very good place to follow for interesting analysis about the world today as it relates to retailers, advertising, etc.  They are out with another good one titled "stuff".

You can read the story here (take notice of the 'download' button as well if you want the .PDF):

Here is a snippet from the read:

For today's constantly connected consumers, shopping never sleeps. Whether making an everyday purchase or researching a big-ticket item, we reflexively turn to mobile. These I-want-to-buy moments are important for consumers, and they're critical for brands. Are you winning these micro-moments?

The world is changing rapidly.  Fundamentals behind how we do things are changing.  Keep up or be rapidly left behind. This has never been more true for retailers.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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