Wednesday, June 24, 2015

BRotD - Entry 0222 CPGs and Retailers by PWC

Best Reading of the Day

Can Consumer Packaged Goods companies, national manufacturer brands, and retailers co-exist?  They have so far, but they're both trying to gain leverage over the other.

A new study by PWC makes the case for everyone playing nice.

Here is a snippet from the piece:

Retailers have the advantage in the “interesting tension” between themselves and their consumer packaged goods suppliers, but both sides should try to work past that and cooperate on the best ways to reach consumers.

That’s the takeaway from “Retail & Consumer Insights: 2015 Financial Benchmarking,” a report from PwC, and from an interview with one of the report’s authors, Steve Barr, PwC’s U.S. retail and consumer leader. The report examined the state of the relationship between CPG retailers and their manufacturer/suppliers, especially in light of what it called the “sporadic economic recovery” in the U.S.

To get the complete study follow this link:

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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