Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Beacons & Social Media with Facebook and Pinterest

Beacons, beacons, beacons, oh and news from Pinterest too.  Busy busy.

Two stories on beacons.  First up is continuing news from Facebook.  Now they are giving away BLE beacons for free to retailers.  Brilliant Trojan horse in my opinion though the service that will follow could become so valuable retailers won't be able to pass it up.  Time will tell.

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Facebook is offering up free beacons to retailers and businesses using its service as part of an update to the company’s Place Tips feature originally rolled out in January.

Place Tips, which works by showing Facebook users posts and photos about a specific retailer or business when they open the app within the actual store, was originally tested with a small group of businesses in New York City. On Monday, Facebook announced it was expanding the feature to all businesses in the United States, and included an application for these businesses to request a free beacon for each of their physical stores. (Facebook also provided free beacons to its test partners.)

Next is the consolidations we are seeing in the BLE beacon market that shows growing maturation:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Verve Mobile, a firm focused on location-based advertising, acquired beacon-centric campaign management technology Fosbury for an undisclosed sum. It's a small deal, but Verve Mobile's move portends an inevitable consolidation within the sprawling beacon space.

Finally is news from Pinterest on their "Buy It" functionality:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Later this month, Pinterest users will be able to purchase some of the products they "pin" without leaving Pinterest's app or website. The new "Buy It" button will show up next to the "Pin It" button that appears when you're about to pin an image of a pair of shoes you like or a coffee table you've had your eye on.

According to a recent survey of more than 2,000 Pinterest users, from Pinterest and Millward Brown Digital, 87 percent of them looked to the service when researching a buy, but 25 percent say they didn't make a purchase or visit a manufacturer's website after viewing an item. The "Buyable Pins" should be a boon for businesses, particularly retailers that see engagement from the site but few sales.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

**UPDATE** Expanding upon the Facebook entry is this piece that focuses more on the new national presence of 'Place Tips:

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