Monday, June 1, 2015

BRotD - Entry 0217 The Internet's Third Wave [Post #500]

Best Reading of the Day

Curious where the world is going?  How about reading a bit from someone who has been there?

We are merely in the middle of the Information Age as everything we know and do is re-imagined for the new world blooming all around us.  The world looks very different than it did when I was born a few decades ago and is going to look different still when I am not around, hopefully a few decades from now (or more).

Here is a very good read on where we might be going:

Here is a snippet from that piece where he talks about the second wave of the internet, following the first wave that focused on building the internet:

That second wave — from the turn of the century until now — involved a shift from building the Internet to building on top of the Internet. The focus moved from connecting people to creating new ways for them to access information and one another. The sheer volume of information enabled Google to create a dominant search engine. Apple roared back to life with a vision of seamless integration of hardware, software and services. And the explosion in smartphones enabled the Internet to go mobile, unleashing the app economy.


The third wave of the Internet is about to break. The opportunity is now shifting to integrating it into everyday life, in increasingly seamless and ubiquitous ways.

Here is a shout out to MorningNewsBeat where I found the article you see linked above:

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

PS  I had seen it coming but didn't notice this would be the one.  Post #500!  Wow.  Hope you've read all of them.

**UPDATE** Follow that read with this one that spells out big trends on the internet around usage, etc.

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