Thursday, June 11, 2015

BRotD - Entry 0220 Small Businesses Using Social Media for Customer Engagement

Best Reading of the Day

This is a really great little story, good enough to qualify for best reading of the day even though it has been out there for a week already.  It focuses on 4 small business and their use of social media to connect with customers across the globe.  Impressive.  I often say the real action is at the SMB level where real test-tube creations are popping up.

Here is a snippet from the piece:

Seattle illustrator and designer Moorea Seal developed a large following on Pinterest before she opened her own store. “I love talking with the handmade community and getting to know people in it. I thought, ‘Well, let's meld all these things and start an online store,’” Seal says. That was in 2013. Two short years later, Seal’s eponymous brand has more than 900,000 followers on Pinterest and another 19,000 on Instagram.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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