Monday, January 12, 2015

Marsh Supermarkets and iBeacons for the Apple Watch

It appears some retailers are going "all in" for the Apple ecosystem.  We've already seen some retailers choose to accept Apple Pay and others to ignore Apple Pay.  Some retailers are also moving towards BLE iBeacons, while others are ignoring them.  Looks like the Apple Watch will continue this trend.

Here is the first story on this subject:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Watch shopping is on the way.

No, not shopping for a watch, but rather shopping with a watch, specifically Apple’s.

And this watch shopping will be triggered by beacons in supermarkets.

In what is being billed as the world’s first Apple Watch-ready beacon rollout, all 63 Marsh Supermarkets will be equipped with beacons that can trigger messages via Apple Watch.

Here is another take on the subject:

I think it is safe to predict we'll see more Apple Watch news in 2015.  I like this one though as I'm a believer in the potential of Beacons.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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