Monday, January 26, 2015

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0189 How an App Became #1 Hit

Whether it is games, or utility, or other, the art and science of gaining the #1 spot in software and apps is something that should interest you.  In this case we will look at a game titled 'Trivia Crack' and this is very interesting reading.

Here is a snippet from that piece:

For the unfamiliar, Trivia Crack works like this: Players compete to answer random questions in six categories — sports, history, science, geography, entertainment and art. Get enough right, and they collect cartoony characters for each category (sort of like Trivial Pursuit’s wedges). All the questions are submitted and moderated by other users.
Have you played this one yet?  I have not.  However, I'm fired up for the Remastered version of Grim Fandango that will be available tomorrow on  :-)

Think this isn't meaningful reading for retailers or masters of digital?  What do you know about gamification?

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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