Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Gap, Kohl's and eBay in the News

That little show by the NRF is helping get some news out, and elsewhere as well.

First up is eBay with a really interesting omnichannel assistant offering:


Very cool platform, and worth reading up on.

Next is Gap ramping up its mobile:


Here is a snippet from that piece:

“We’ve just scratched the surface of what mobile can do for retail. Mobility is a big part of change in customer experience in stores.”

Finally is news from Kohl's on its mobile efforts:


Here is a snippet from that piece:

“Not moving fast is far riskier than trying things out and failing in some and succeeding in others,” Mr. Lavu said. “Previously, we used to do a lot of big bang innovations.

“Test, learn, iterate again, and then continue to change.”

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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