Friday, January 30, 2015

Super Bowl XLIX 2015 - New England Patriots vs. Seattle Seahawks

I heard someone around these parts just south of Boston that there's a little football game being played this Sunday.  Have you heard about it?

My youth was wasted through many long years growing up in Spokane, WA hearing about the always terrible Seahawks.  The Steve Largent and Brian Bosworth era.  My home is where my heart is though and I have lived in New England for many years now.

Initially I thought this would be a close game, maybe one of the great Super Bowls.  However after all of the nonsense surrounding footballs the last two weeks I'm perhaps being a little emotional to say I think the Patriots will clobber the Seahawks by several touchdowns for Tom Brady's 4th ring.

Good luck to the New England Patriots come Sunday evening. I hope no one gets injured during this game and everyone involved has a great time.

Enjoy the game,

J.W. Gant

PS  Great little story on the 3 apps you need to watch the Super Bowl with.

Amazon, Mobile Web, and Facebook News

Three stories are very good reads today and well worth your time.

First is news of Amazon's excellent (and profitable) quarter:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

International growth was only 3.2%, leaving the e-retailer’s overall revenue increase at under 14.6%. Amazon Prime membership grew 53% worldwide and 50% in the United States, says CEO Jeff Bezos. And Amazon surprised investors by turning a profit, largely from fulfilling orders more efficiently.

Next is a story on the Mobile Web vs. Apps:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

As shoppers become increasingly comfortable on mobile, they are demanding more detailed experiences, leading to a growing preference for retailers’ mobile Web sites over applications, according to a new report from Siteworx.

Retailers that do not offer detail-oriented mobile Web sites are at risk of losing commerce, as 63 percent of consumers are more likely to shop using a site rather than a mobile application. The findings suggest investing in an all-encompassing mobile site is imperative for retailers seeking to retain significant market share, as more shoppers are using mobile to research potential purchases and read reviews.

Finally is news of Facebook using beacons to interact with its users.  Beacons for Facebook?  This one really got my attention.

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Facebook is testing a new service called ‘Place Tips’ which will deliver information on shops and landmarks to nearby users by integrating Bluetooth beacons, GPS signals, wi-fi and cellphone signals.

The service will initially be tested in New York, with beacons placed in eight stores including the Strand Book Store, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Big Gay Ice Cream Shop, as well as landmarks including the Brooklyn Bridge, Times Square and the Statue of Liberty.

Place Tips will use information from the locations’ existing Facebook pages and place it above the News Feed on users’ smartphones.

The year of the Beacon was 2014.  Now, we shouldn't be surprised at anything we see in this space. Yet this one still caught me off guard.  Very interesting.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Gap in the News

I follow a few retailers with interest especially including Macy's.  However, the moves being made by Gap seem right to me and I'm inclined to watch them.  They are in the news today and have an excellent write-up on them that is worth your time.

First up is the announcement of a new chief of "Customer Experience":

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Incoming Gap Inc. CEO Art Peck is wasting no time reshaping the apparel giant. In its latest management shakeup, the retailer named company veteran Scott Key to the new position of senior VP and general manager of customer experience for its namesake brand. It also announced that Rebekka Bay, creative director for the Gap brand, was departing the company, effective immediately.

The latest changes come on the heels of Gap’s announcement last week that it was shutting down its Piperlime brand.

I've found Scott to be a sharp, talented and engaging individual so I wish him well with this new responsibility.  Gap is in good hands here.

Next up is this analysis of Gap's issues:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Gap has axed its creative director Rebekka Bay, pulled the plug on its Piperlime brand,seen sales slip and appears to be perpetually on Sale.

Remember when Gap was insanely popular? Teenagers proudly wore the brand’s logo emblazoned across their T-shirts, jumpers and caps, and those in their 20s and 30s bought into the brand’s basics range. That was in the 1990s and early noughties; the preppy US brand has failed to return to its heyday ever since.

That last one also speaks to the news of the cancellation of their Piperlime brand.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0191 Mobile Measurement has an excellent piece titled 'The Rocky Road to Mobile Measurement'.

Here is the premise:

In the early days of mobile marketing, metrics for measurement were quite basic. Marketers focused mostly on clicks and post-click interactions. These days, mobile has reached its measurement adolescence, with marketers looking at behavioral metrics beyond mere engagement.

Here is the full article:

Here is a snippet more from that piece:

“You need to be able to understand who that person is across devices, across the Web and apps, and figure out what it is that they need from you, what message they really want to hear,” Asay said. “Then you need to be able to present it to them at the right place, at the right time. We are very close to being able to deliver that.”

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Facebook in the News - Mobile Usage & Ads and Facebook Spending

Three stories on Facebook stood out to me and are worth reading with a few bits of news in these as well.

First up is a story on the amount of usage Facebook is seeing through their mobile apps:

Here is a snippet on that piece:

Facebook's mobile users are checking in, uploading photos and liking posts at record rates. And that, in turn, is attracting advertisers who pushed up Facebook's revenue and profit.

The world's largest social network said nearly 84 percent of the 890 million people who used its service daily did so on a mobile phone. Nearly 86 percent of the 1.39 billion people who accessed Facebook each month did so on a mobile device as well, a new record for the company.

Next is a bit on the advertising through mobile that Facebook is seeing (it nearly doubled):

Here is a snippet on that piece:

The social network’s mobile ad revenue nearly doubled to $2.48 billion in the fourth quarter. Mobile is increasingly important to the social network, as 526 million consumers, roughly 38% of its user base, only access the social network through mobile apps or mobile versions of its web site.

Finally is a story on the areas Facebook is investing in:

Here is a snippet on that piece:

Mark Zuckerberg is spending faster to chase opportunities in messaging and mobile advertising as sales growth slows at Facebook Inc.’s main social-networking service.

The company said on Wednesday that spending will jump 55 percent to 70 percent in 2015, narrower than the 50 percent to 75 percent range that it projected in October. Zuckerberg has said Facebook is investing in messaging, advertising across the Web, hiring and new technologies such as artificial intelligence.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

PS  One more story is worth reading though I missed it in my initial post.  More than one third of Facebook users only access it via a mobile device.  Wow!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0190 Mobile Micro UX

This great little piece on eConsultancy is the best reading of the day.

'User Experience' (UX) is a crucial component to the success of mobile apps and the mobile web.  A new concept called 'Micro UX' is growing and may take a large mind share in 2015.

What is this thing called "Micro" UX?

Here is the article:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Micro UX design is all about delighting the user by using simple innovative interactions that not only makes a task easier but also creates an engaging, humane experience that’s a pleasure to repeat.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Mobile App Use, QSR Loyalty Apps, and Modern Marketing

Looks like New England survived the Blizzard of '15, but don't tell the folks in Marshfield, MA that.  Looks pretty ugly there.

Here area  few stories that caught my eye today.

First is a new study on mobile app use vs. mere mobile websites:

That article points to the full analysis here on IAB:

Next are two news stories on Quick Service Restaurants moving increasingly towards mobile loyalty.  WaWa is following in the footsteps of Starbucks and now Dunkin' Brands:

News from Dunkin' states they are all-in with mobile loyalty after a year of tremendous success with their DD Perks program:

Finally is a great little read on modern marketing thoughts and approaches:

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

CPGs, Digital Coupons, Mobile Grocery, Digital Ads, eCommerce Delivery, and More

The Blizzard of 2015 is finally nearing an end though snow is still falling here north of Boston.  Looks like a couple feet of snow in my area and a major event for most of New England.

Here are a slew of stories I've found that are worth visiting.

First up is the life of a category leader especially as a consumer packaged goods company:

Next up is new data from Inmar on digital coupons and the add to card method:

One supermarket chain has added new functionality to its mobile app and the news is good for their provider GPShopper:

Digital advertising gets two stories: first is a line of thought on brand ads vs. performance ads, then an story on who to blame when digital campaigns fail.  That second one has several great links so be sure to dig deeply there.

Finally is news of delivery services such as the alcohol delivery startup 'Drizly' in Boston and the impact the Blizzard of '15 had on them in the NorthEast:

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Monday, January 26, 2015

Starbucks Goes Digital With New COO

This is very big news for digital, customer engagement, mobile, omnichannel, etc.  Starbucks is going all in with digital with their new Chief Operating Officer.

This article tells a bit about the mobile efforts Starbucks is putting forth:

Here is a snippet or two from that piece:

Starbucks’s mobile wallet is actually a digital stored-value card more akin to its popular gift card. Its success—the app now accounts for 16 percent of Starbucks’s 47 million weekly transactions (up 50 percent from a year ago)—makes it both a model and a target for payment apps from other retailers and tech companies alike.


New alternatives like Apple Pay and rival retailers’ apps present challenges for Starbucks. Dunkin’ Donuts, for instance, less than a year after relaunching its mobile app with a new rewards program in January 2014, said it reached two million rewards members and 10 million app downloads.

Here is a piece on the new COO:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ: SBUX) today announced it has appointed Kevin Johnson as president and chief operating officer. Johnson has been a Starbucks board member since 2009, and will now take a central operating role effective March 1.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0189 How an App Became #1 Hit

Whether it is games, or utility, or other, the art and science of gaining the #1 spot in software and apps is something that should interest you.  In this case we will look at a game titled 'Trivia Crack' and this is very interesting reading.

Here is a snippet from that piece:

For the unfamiliar, Trivia Crack works like this: Players compete to answer random questions in six categories — sports, history, science, geography, entertainment and art. Get enough right, and they collect cartoony characters for each category (sort of like Trivial Pursuit’s wedges). All the questions are submitted and moderated by other users.
Have you played this one yet?  I have not.  However, I'm fired up for the Remastered version of Grim Fandango that will be available tomorrow on  :-)

Think this isn't meaningful reading for retailers or masters of digital?  What do you know about gamification?

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Apple Pay Doing Very Well In Apps

One area of confusion the lay person may have regarding Apple Pay should be cleared up briefly before I continue this post.

Apple Pay refers to two very different products: (1) pay in-store with your iPhone 6 or 6 Plus via a card you added to Apple Pay, and (2) pay online via Apple Pay and a card you added to Apple Pay.

Part one is not taking off very well at all.  It appears part two is doing quite well.

The benefit of Apple Pay online or in an app is the reduced friction between intent to buy and payment.  Just click the 'Apple Pay' paying option and provide your finger print verification.  Done.  The early numbers show this is having a real impact on sales online and in app.

Here is a snippet from that piece:

It’s a small sample size, with Apple Pay only out since late October, but so far iPhone owners with the service enabled are vastly more likely to make online purchases on their phones. Take sports and concert ticket search app SeatGeek, whose sleek new checkout screen boasts a conversion rate up to 30%. With Apple Pay, that follow-through rate shoots up to 80%.

Where I think you'll see some misleading remarks come in to play is in blanket statements such as "Apple Pay is Already Taking Over" or "Apple Pay a Bust" (those are both actual headlines).  Which component of Apple Pay is doing well and which is struggling?  Both?  Neither?  I'm betting Apple will always refer to the numbers that paint their company in the best light and if they have success in one will attempt to leverage that to help the other.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Boston's Blizzard of '15

This looks to be a major storm with an excellent chance to crack the top 10 or top 5 all time.  I'll look for some comedy out of this and update this post with a bit of fun as I am able to.

Here is a serious rendition from CNN of what is hitting the northeastern United States the next coupld of days:

Snow totals projected to look like this:

Here is how we say it around here:

And this is what it is really all about:

Stay safe,

J.W. Gant

The Real Reason Apple Added NFC to iPhones

The world is waiting for the financial report from Apple due in tomorrow that will reveal how many iPhones sold in Q4 of 2014, with the 6 and 6 Plus on the market.  Early news shows a dramatic increase in sales.  Where in the world is this happening in the greatest numbers?  Japan and Korea, with dramatic sales increases in China as well.

Here is the news on market share in Asia:

Here is the graph I captured from that article, with sources cited in the image:

Notice that spike near the end of the year as Apple hits 51% share?

So what is the big deal with NFC and the Asian market?  Unlike in the United States NFC has been quite successful in several Asian markets such as China and Japan.  Asian buyers want two things from their smart phones that Apple was not providing prior to the 6 and 6 Plus models: larger screen size and NFC.

Here is a brief piece on NFC in Asia:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

To further complement the rise in NFC-enabled handsets, "There will also be around 140 companies that use a TSM solution in commercially live NFC mobile wallet services worldwide at the end of 2013, up from 57 at the end of 2012 and the most active region for TSM projects is currently Asia Pacific, followed by Europe, North America and the Middle East.”

Apple Pay may have been a tag-along product as Apple had to provide NFC for the Asian market.  Without that demand would we have seen a very different version of Apple Pay or maybe even none what so ever?  Maybe.

Let's see what tomorrow brings as those iPhone sales figures come in.  One thing I am certain will arrive tomorrow is the Blizzard of '15 aiming right for those of us around Boston, MA.  Stay warm!

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

**UPDATE** One more quick article I forgot to include initially.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Mobile Impacting Path to Purchase for CPGs

Very intriguing analysis just arrived.  Here is a snippet of the findings:

Mobile is increasingly influencing all stages along the shopper’s path-to-purchase for CPG items. New research from mobile audience intelligence firm NinthDecimal examines how mobile usage and marketing is transforming how shoppers interact with CPG brands.

One of the most significant findings is the increased influence of mobile advertising, with 70% of consumers trying a new product as a direct result of seeing a mobile ad. In addition, 68% of consumers use their mobile device to discover a CPG brand or product prior to shopping, while 86% use their mobile device to prepare for their grocery shopping and 59% use their mobile device while grocery shopping.

What I find interesting is the possibility that mobile is tilting the playing field away from private lable or 'store brands' and in favor of the national brands.

Here is the article that caught my eye:

Here is the full analysis from NinthDecimal:

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Gates Bets on Mobile, Box IPO, and Dollar Tree

A few news items are worth noting today.

First up is Bill Gates' bet on mobile banking:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

“In the next 15 years, digital banking will give the poor more control over their assets and help them transform their lives,”Bill and Melinda Gates wrote in the Gates Foundation’s annual letter. A bold statement, but one that has been supported by the success of mobile money services over the last few years.

Next up is the cloud services company Box going public:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Cloud storage and collaboration company Box debuted for trading as a public company on the New York Stock Exchange this morning, capping a 10-month process during which the offering was delayed at least twice.

Box officially priced 12.5 million shares at $14 each late Thursday, above a previously announced range of $11 to $13. The shares opened for trading at $20.20, then rose as high as $21.66 within the first few minutes of trading.

Finally is news of Dollar Tree finally nearing completion of their acquisition of Family Dollar:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Dollar Tree Inc. (NASDAQ: DLTR) is mapping out the final steps to complete its $8.7 billion acquisition of Family Dollar Stores Inc. (NYSE:FDO).

Family Dollar's shareholders voted Thursday in favor of the deal, rejecting a hostile takeover bid by Dollar General Corp. (NYSE:DG).

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Netflix and DVDs

Around the office I've been performing informal polling of folks as to their path to content such as movies and television.  A lot of the twenty-something have only a streaming service such as Netflix.  A few have a Blu-Ray playing device (maybe a PS4) that can play DVDs.  Then the older folks, the Boomers or Gen X'rs typically only have a DVD player.  Interesting.

Meanwhile my entire collection of DVDs is basically worthless.  Season 1 of 'The Sopranos' starts at one penny used on Amazon. Basically deemed to be worthless.

So why is Netflix still in the business of shipping DVDs?  The money of course.

Good read here from Bloomberg:

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0188 Challenges of Online Grocery

The best reading of the day is an excellent article from the 'Washington Post' on the challenges grocers face in moving to an online business.

Here is a snippet from that piece:

The online grocery delivery business seems to get more crowded--and more competitive--by the minute. Tech giants Google and are offering it in some major cities, and so are upstarts such as Instacart, Postmates and FreshDirect. These newcomers are battling with more established businesses such as Peapod, which has been delivering groceries for more than 20 years, and services from companies such as Wal-Mart that allow customers to place orders online and pick them up at a nearby store.

It's a business that everyone seems to want in on, even though new data show it's awfully hard to do profitably.

This article is well worth your time if you follow retail, supermarkets, omnichannel or just like reading about difficult business challenges.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

The Personal Computer is Back

Sales are doing just fine for PC's while the iconic iPad is in a decline.  Sounds like quite a reversal yet this author has been watching for the floor of PC sales for several years now and is not surprised at the leveling out we are seeing.

First up is news, pretty late to these pages, of declining iPad sales:

Here is a snippet from that report:

The growth in tablet sales is facing a “massive deceleration” this year, according to a new report from research firm International Data Corporation (IDC). The report shows that year-over-year growth of the worldwide tablet market is slowing to 7.2%, down from 52.5% in 2013.

Next is a report from Dell and statements from Lenovo about their U.S. sales of personal computers:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Dell CEO Michael Dell told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Thursday his company is growing at a steady pace. "We've had eight quarters in a row of gaining [market] share in PCs," Dell said. "We did gain more share than the other top two competitors both worldwide and in the United States, the largest country market in the world."

Finally is one more take on Windows 10 and all of the features announced yesterday at Microsoft's big event:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

On Wednesday, Microsoft showed the world more of Windows 10, which it expects to release later this year. All kinds of news emerged in the announcement today, but the biggest one is this: Microsoft has realized the foolishness of splitting Windows into two, and is taking giant strides to unify it back again.

Now, please allow me to get back to my reading on the Apple Watch.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Microsoft Windows 10

The big event today was Microsoft's Windows 10 event focusing on the consumer aspects of the new operating system.

Do you still use a Windows device?  I'm typing this on my Windows 7 laptop at work.  I have a Windows 8.1 tablet in my bag I was using in a meeting earlier today.  I just rebuilt my HTPC at home, connected to my new Ultra HD television, and am running Windows 7 on it for now.  I also have a Nexus 7, an iPad Air, and two iPhones running in my house.  I'm very interested in Windows and likely you are as well.

So what is Windows 10?

Here is an excellent piece from TheNextWeb that will tell you the major features of this new version of the flagship OS out of Redmond, WA:

Windows Holographic?  That isn't science fiction?  Here is a hands-on with the new HoloLens device from the folks at  Augmented reality.  Wow.

Does this version of Windows solve all of the problems of Windows 8?  Looks like they got a lot right with this release.  I'm happy to see it will be a free upgrade.

So how do they expect me to use this version of Windows in my living room?

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

**UPDATE** I love this headline from ArsTechnica:

**UPDATE #2** Biggest improvement may be the start screen.  I think this could actually work:

Amazon, Publix, Facebook and Shazam in the News

A slew of stories found their way to me this morning.  This afternoon I'm following Microsoft's Windows 10 event.  Good news there is Windows 10 will be a free upgrade to any Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 users out there.  More on that later.

First is Amazon pulling the plug on its mobile wallet efforts:

They've been in the business for less than a year.  Seems to me they will continue to play in these spaces in various forms.  I was courted to go work on Amazon Coins so I know they have plenty of pots on the stove at various stages.

Next is news of Publix being named the Supermarket News Marketer of the Year:

Next is news from Facebook stating it adds more than $200USB to the global economy:

Finally is news on a new valuation of Shazam as they wrap up their latest funding round.  You know 'Shazam' right, the little app that allows you to pluck noise out of the air and determine what it is?

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Inside the Numbers - Mobile Game App Releases Inside Numbers

Every wonder what it is like running an app company?  Know anything about the financials of such an organization?  What about games on mobile platforms?

I can't recall having seen behind the curtain nearly as extensively as the developers of 'Monument Valley' have just provided for us.  That alone is reason to read this bit of news.

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Monument Valley launched in April 2014 for $4.00 (USD) on the iPhone and iPad, and a $2.00 expansion pack launched last November.

According to the infographic posted on the company's website, the game generated a total of $5,858,625 across Apple's App Store, the Google Play Store, and the Amazon Appstore through January 11th. The highest one-day revenue came on its initial launch day when it generated $145,530 in sales thanks to a lot of initial press.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Bitcoins Courting, and Getting, Real Money

Think bitcoins aren't real?

The companies driving the concept are getting real money in funding.  This is a lot of money for VCs to throw around:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Coinbase has raised $75 million in Series C funding, in what is believed to be the largest-ever funding round for a Bitcoin-related company.

DFJ Growth led the round, and was joined by The New York Stock Exchange, USAA, BBVA (Spain), NTT Docomo (Japan), Valar Capital, Vikram Pandit, Tom Glocer and Carlos Rodriguez Pastor. Returning investors included Andreessen Horowitz, Reddit Capital and Union Square Ventures. No word on valuation, although an earlier Re/Code report suggested that the deal would value Coinbase at around $400 million.

That is real money folks.  How long until we regularly use bitcoin for some kind of purchase?  I wonder.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0187 Starbucks Social, Taykey, and ASO

Three articles stand out to me and all are worthy of your time.

First, and best, is this little piece on how Starbucks used social media over the holidays:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

“Don’t underestimate the power of the Peppermint Mocha and its kin: at least on social, Christmas means flavored coffee drinks and red cups. Truly concentrating their efforts on building excitement for the holidays amongst their fans can give brands a big boost.”

That portion on Christmas being synonymous with red cups is very powerful.

Next is a little company you probably never heard of but they represent the next generation in advertising:

What do they do?

For example, if a movie studio wants to target teenage girls who like music, Taykey would have told them last Monday that their target audience was talking about pop star Justin Bieber’s new Calvin Klein ad and instantly purchased ads on news stories, blog posts, and social content about the topic.

If you’re familiar with the story, you know what happened next. The next day the original, unedited version of the Bieber photo leaked showing that the photos had been modified to enhance his, ahem, bulge. Within 10 minutes Taykey’s algorithm picked up on the negative vibes around Bieber and pulled all the ads it was running alongside it. The company helps brands jump onto trends (and, if necessary, abandon them) automatically, targeted to specific audiences across many geographies.

Finally is a little piece on App Store Optimization:

I know a thing or two about this having written a white paper on how to drive adoption and usage of mobile apps.  It is very good to keep up with the latest and greatest though so be sure to read this one.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Monday, January 19, 2015

Beacons Beacons Beacons

Beacons (and iBeacons if you are Apple and only Apple) are on their way in to the store.  One company is far more interested in retailers using their platform (likely software as a service) and are giving away as many as a million beacons to lure them onboard.

Here is the article:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

The obvious question is what gives with the beacon giveaway idea.

“Beacons are going to get commoditized at some point anyway,” Kyle said.

The company hopes retailers will be persuaded by the free beacon offer to try the ShopX platform, which comes with a monthly fee, as anyone might have guessed.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Is Google Buying Softcard?

No fewer than three articles popped up late Friday on my usual set of websites exploring the possibility of Google buying the carrier payments solution Softcard.  I don't know who broke it first though the CNet article lists TechCrunch and The Wall Street Journal.

Here are the three I found with the best first:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Google may be stocking its war chest to compete with Apple in mobile payments.

The Internet giant is reportedly in talks to acquire Softcard, a company that helps people to pay for things using their mobile devices, according to reports by TechCrunch and The Wall Street Journal. The deal for the payments company -- a joint venture between carriers AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile -- is said to be for less than $100 million.

Both Google and Softcard declined to comment on the possible sale. "We don't have a comment, background, deep background, off-the-record steer, nod, wink or any other verbal or nonverbal response to these sorts of rumors," a Google spokesperson said.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Friday, January 16, 2015

McDonald's Expected to Struggle in 2015

A bit of news will come out soon from the world's largest Quick Service Restaurant chain.

McDonald's is struggling and will likely continue to struggle through 2015 with no end in sight.

Here is the article from Yahoo Finance:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

In a few days, McDonald's (MCD) will detail what was a largely forgettable year for the company and its shareholders when it releases its 2014 financial results. Those results are almost assured of showing the type of disappointment that, until recently, had been unheard of at the Golden Arches.

Undoubtedly, it also will spend ample time describing how its sandwich-customization plans, appreciation for technology and presumably less-crowded menu will be returning the world's largest restaurant chain to greatness in all ways. None of that will be especially new, so unless it unveils something astonishing to go along with the countless initiatives already known to be under way, 2015 probably won't be much different than the year just past.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0186 Retail Ideas, 3D Printing, Mobile, & Omnichannel

A slew of stories came out late yesterday that caught my eye, and one from early this month I missed.  All are worthy of your attention.

First up is a good one from Stores magazine on titled "20 Ideas Worth Stealing".

Next is a fine article on the anticipated impact of 3D printing, along with some of what we are seeing already.  Did you know Amazon has a 3D printing area you can order from?

Mobile Commerce Daily has 2 contradicting articles, as they point out, and both are worth reading:

The first article takes a stand against focusing on mobile conversions:

The competing article makes the counterpoint:

Finally is a good article on Mobile and Omnichannel:

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Mobile for Travelers Rising Dramatically, Plus Target Leaving Canada

Interesting news for business travelers who love their mobile devices.  Companies that provide services for travelers are well aware of the availability of mobile opportunities with travelers and they are responding.

Here is a great little piece on the subject:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

One in four people use their mobiles to book (28%) or pay (24%) for their daily commute, a figure double that of 2013.

This is according to new research from BuzzCity revealing the habits of today’s connected traveller. Not yesterday’s though, that traveler just read a book or did a crossword.

Holiday booking habits have also changed noticeably. There has been an increase of 50% in mobile use across business and leisure travellers, with 30% relying purely on their mobiles to make last minute bookings.

In other news Target is eliminating its entire presence in Canada after a very short attempt at the new market.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0185 NRF Top 10 and Mobile Apps

Two stories are the best reading of the day today.

First up is the Top 10 list by Retail Information Systems on the NRF conference.  Great stuff in there, though some of that news has already been posted in this blog.

Here is a sample:

Many companies and brands today have the same overarching problem: how to connect with fans of the growing business and make that sustainable. The NRF Big Show 2015 kicked off on Sunday with "Game Changer: Loyalty and Performance Lessons from Passionate Sports Fandom". The sports industry has built its empire around loyal, passionate fans, as well as created engaging experiences to drive fan interaction. Through the use of big data, the various franchises and companies are able to not only deliver personalized experiences, but also leverage these insights for drive better on-field performance.

Next up is a great little article over on about the importance of mobile apps and how mobile is changing ... everything.

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Mobility has swept over the business and marketing landscape like a giant supernova. With a smartphone in hand, consumers increasingly tap, pinch, and swipe their way to messages, promotions, and purchases. For businesses across a wide swath of industries, mobile interaction now accounts for more than 50% of online activity, and the figure continues to rise.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Gap, Kohl's and eBay in the News

That little show by the NRF is helping get some news out, and elsewhere as well.

First up is eBay with a really interesting omnichannel assistant offering:

Very cool platform, and worth reading up on.

Next is Gap ramping up its mobile:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

“We’ve just scratched the surface of what mobile can do for retail. Mobility is a big part of change in customer experience in stores.”

Finally is news from Kohl's on its mobile efforts:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

“Not moving fast is far riskier than trying things out and failing in some and succeeding in others,” Mr. Lavu said. “Previously, we used to do a lot of big bang innovations.

“Test, learn, iterate again, and then continue to change.”

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0184 Amazon Pricing

This little story over on Re/Code is well worth the time:

Here is a snippet from the piece:

The study of Amazon’s pricing uncovered some interesting tactics. First, Amazon doesn’t have the lowest prices across the board, which may not surprise industry insiders but might surprise Amazon shoppers.

Instead, according to Boomerang’s analysis, Amazon identifies the most popular products on its site and consistently prices them under the competition. In one example, Boomerang observed Amazon testing price reductions on a $350 Samsung TV — one of the most popular TVs on Amazon — over the six months leading up to Black Friday. Then, on Black Friday, it dropped the price to $250, coming in well below competitors’ prices.

Pretty sneaky overall, but not unexpected.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Monday, January 12, 2015

Softcard News and Omnichannel for Grocery

A couple of other news items are worth looking at today.

First is news of the mobile payment company Softcard cutting its staff through layoffs.  This may not be especially meaningful as they appear to have a large number of Full Time Employees, but with all the poor news they had in 2014 it also might be an indication of more to come.

Next is a bit of news on a new omnichannel offering for grocery.  Pretty interesting capabilities.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Marsh Supermarkets and iBeacons for the Apple Watch

It appears some retailers are going "all in" for the Apple ecosystem.  We've already seen some retailers choose to accept Apple Pay and others to ignore Apple Pay.  Some retailers are also moving towards BLE iBeacons, while others are ignoring them.  Looks like the Apple Watch will continue this trend.

Here is the first story on this subject:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Watch shopping is on the way.

No, not shopping for a watch, but rather shopping with a watch, specifically Apple’s.

And this watch shopping will be triggered by beacons in supermarkets.

In what is being billed as the world’s first Apple Watch-ready beacon rollout, all 63 Marsh Supermarkets will be equipped with beacons that can trigger messages via Apple Watch.

Here is another take on the subject:

I think it is safe to predict we'll see more Apple Watch news in 2015.  I like this one though as I'm a believer in the potential of Beacons.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Friday, January 9, 2015

Target and Apple in the News

Two posts caught my eye today and make for interesting news.

First is Target with news on the mobile retailing front:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

With more than 60 percent traffic coming from mobile in November and December as well as Black Friday weekend mobile purchases coming in two times higher than in 2013, the mass merchant proves that when retailers build strong mobile experiences, shoppers will come.

Target joins Walmart and Amazon as retailers who worked hard throughout 2014 to better meet the needs of mobile shoppers and reaped significant rewards during the holiday shopping season as a result.

Next is Apple with a response to their recent software stumbles:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Apple is going to start using retail employees to test new versions of iOS before they're released, reports 9to5Mac's Mark Gurman.

The pre-testing could begin as early as iOS 8.2.

Apple's decision to broaden its software testing comes after a series of stumbles last year.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0183 Macy's Restructuring

Just over a week after Macy's won mobile retailer of the year the company is in the news again for its omnichannel efforts.  14 stores will close, 2 stores will open, 150 people will be hired for digital in San Francisco, and more.

These two takes are quite different on this story and both are worth reading.

First is 'Internet Retailer' with this headline:

Macy’s steps up its online investments

Next is 'Chain Store Age' with this headline:

Macy's restructuring: 14 store closures, thousands of layoffs, perhaps an off-price focus

Here is a snippet from that first piece:

Macy’s Inc. announced today that it will merge its online and store merchandising marketing teams, hire 150 more employees for its digital center in San Francisco, close 14 stores while opening two new ones, and trim the number of workers in each store.

"Our business is rapidly evolving in response to changes in the way customers are shopping across stores, desktops, tablets and smartphones,” says chairman and CEO Terry J. Lundgren.” We must continue to invest in our business to focus on where the customer is headed—to prepare for what's next."

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

First Apple Watch Ad Platform Announced

I haven't seen any other effort completed in this area so I feel this is news.  It was Mobile Marketing Magazine online that alerted me to this.

Here is the company website:

Let the games begin!

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0182 Retail Apps Blast Off

Around the offices here in Quincy, MA there has been a lot of discussion around mobile and its impact on retail.  I've said for much of the year this is the moment when the retailers struck back at eCommerce.  After a decade of bad news, mobile provides the tools retailers need to provide an "Amazon" experience in the store.

New mobile usage data by Yahoo! owned analytic company Flurry indicate retail is embracing mobile in a big way and the consumer is following.

Here is a snippet from that piece:

In the six years that Flurry has been reporting on our mobile app usage, and in some cases addiction, we’ve seen stunning growth. This last year was no different. According to Flurry Analytics, in 2014 overall app usage grew by 76%. In this context, Flurry defines app usage as a user opening an app and recording what we call a session. In 2014, Shopping, Utilities & Productivity, and Messaging experienced triple-digit growth and were the key drivers. As our mobile devices become more and more a part of our everyday lives, we are increasingly using them for always-on shopping, working, and communication. Where years past have seen massive growth in games and entertainment, 2014 was the year apps got down to serious business.

Every app store category has again seen session growth in 2014. While 2013 was the year messaging apps took off, 2014 was the year retail came to mobile in a big way.

What will 2015 bring?  Will the Apple Watch have an even greater impact on retail?

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Monday, January 5, 2015

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0181 Personalization and Marketing

According to Econsultancy we are not seeing hardly any marketing utilizing personalization, to the great detriment of the craft.

Here is a snippet from that piece:

More than a third of companies do not implement any form of personalisation in their marketing activities, according to a new report from Econsultancy.

This is in spite of the fact that a vast majority of companies achieved an uplift in conversion rates after implementing personalisation in one or more of their marketing channels.

The findings come from the Conversion Rate Optimization Report, published in partnership with Redeye.

The research looks at the types of conversion strategies and tactics organizations are using, in addition to the tools and processes employed for improving conversion rates.

It shows that 62% of client-side respondents are currently personalising their marketing activity.

I am guessing the reason for the lack of personalization is the lack of capability?

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Snapchat Messaging App Raises $486 Million

If you haven't heard of it, or used it, yet you just might want to give it a try.  Let me tell you it is great fun at group outings.

Snapchat is the anti-Facebook of messaging apps with its destructible messaging.  Just set the timer, to no longer than 10 seconds, take your picture of video and send you message.  Your friends will receive a notice to open the message.  Once they've done so they have only the length of time you set to view the message before it is destroyed.

No more reputation management for your messaging.

I'm sure this round of funding was spurred by this study on Snapchat advertising commisioned by Snapchat:

Here is the story about the funding:

Should be an interesting year in social media.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Friday, January 2, 2015

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0180 Recap of Mobile Pay for Retail

Welcome to 2015 everyone!

The National Retail Federation over on has a very good article on mobile payments and retail.

Next week is the big consumer electronics expo in Vegas.  Kinda wish I was going as there is sure to be some news made.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant