Thursday, August 6, 2015

BRotD - Entry 0228 Streaming Video

Best Reading of the Day

The story behind and the success of its digital efforts and streaming video is impressive reading.  When you add the recent addition of HBO cutting the cord through this service, and now the news of the NHL coming onboard it becomes truly impressive.

This is your best read of the day:

Here is a snippet from the story:

When baseball’s then commissioner, Bud Selig, created BAM back in 2000, he had relatively modest goals in mind. The unit would be in charge of creating websites for each of the teams and consolidating MLB’s digital rights. By pooling resources, he would prevent the bigger teams from outpacing their smaller market rivals. And to keep the division honest and efficient, BAM would operate as its own company. The teams agreed to contribute a combined $120 million to the venture, $1 million each over the first four years, with each taking an equal ownership stake.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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