Friday, April 3, 2015

BRotD - Entry 0207 Google's New Algorithm

Best Reading of the Day

Get Ready.  That little algorithm we work so hard towards in all of our SEM and SEO is about to undergo a big change to further embrace the mobile internet.

Here is a snippet from the piece:

At the close of last month's Search Marketing Expo (SMX) West, conference speakers were asked to share their key takeaways.

"Mobile, mobile, mobile," said Kelly Wrather, senior manager of content marketing for Kenshoo and an SMX presenter. "I want to grab every website designer and tell them mobile is the thing! It's the only thing!"

At previous SMX shows the importance of mobile-optimized websites was a frequent topic of discussion, but this year, as Wrather's declaration illustrates, there was a sense of urgency because "Mobilegeddon," as some are calling it, is nearly here.

On April 21, Google will expand its "mobile-friendly" search result rankings, and the company says the changes will have an even bigger impact on search than its past Panda and Penguin algorithm updates.

What will your company's strategy be?  Fast follow, let the big guys spend tons of money to figure this out then make your changes? Will you be a leader, or have you already made the changes that will position you to take advantage of this?

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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