Monday, April 6, 2015

Amazon Dash - No It Wasn't An April Fools Joke

I wouldn't be the first to state I thought the news was an April Fools joke.  Amazon has created tiny little connected buttons you can place throughout your home and press to order specially designated products.

Here is one story on that:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Never, ever want to run out of coffee, toilet paper, razors or trash bags again? Amazon has a button for you.

The online behemoth launched Amazon Dash on Tuesday. Although that was one day before April Fools', it actually is a real product, the company says.

Dash is a small oval electronic device about the size of a pack of gum. Each one comes emblazoned with the name of a different, frequently used-up, product.

What I think is interesting is the opportunity for national brand CPGs.  AdAge has a piece on that:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Amazon Dash, the push-button auto-replenishment service that the e-commerce giant has begun testing with select Amazon Prime members, could give big packaged-goods brands the edge they've been looking for on a playing field where the industry's traditional behemoths have been getting pushed around by smaller players.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

PS  I may not have found this article if not for MorningNewsBeat:

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