Friday, July 17, 2015

Millennials and Mobile Shopping Apps has a great article out on the mobile shopping app preferences of the Millennial generation, just now coming of age.

Big brands have an advantage with this generation, or those brands that play the digital game like a big brand.  Here is the story:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

According to a recent Forbes article, mobile shopping app usage is growing faster than any other category of app. But how are millennials responding to the influx of mobile shopping apps? With the help of a few Stanford students, we surveyed over 1,600 millennials on their usage of native mobile apps. Here’s what we learned.

1 in every 2 Millennials has downloaded a mobile shopping app

Out of the survey respondents, 47% claimed to have downloaded a mobile shopping app on their phone. Females were slightly more likely to have downloaded a mobile shopping than males and a majority of those polled were on iOS.

Have a great weekend,

J.W. Gant

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