Tuesday, July 28, 2015

BRotD - Entry 0226 Mobile Moments by Google and Forrester

Best Reading of the Day

Google Think is back with another excellent read and analysis.  This time they partnered with Forrester research.

The focus of the research is on the impact of mobile on the consumer.  Here is a link to the story:


Here is a snippet from that piece:

Consumers act on needs in micro-moments throughout the day. The question for marketers is: Are you prepared to identify, deliver, and measure these moments? New research commissioned by Google and conducted by Forrester Consulting shows that 98% of companies aren't—and why they should be.

You can download the entire research paper, that contains a one page executive summary, here:


That number jumps out to me.  98% of companies aren't ready.  That tells me two things: (1) there is time for companies to get on the ball, however, (2) any company that gets their act together here could differentiate itself in a big way and win over customers from companies that haven't yet done so.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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