Thursday, May 7, 2015

BRotD - Entry 0213 Rhetoric for Copy

Best Reading of the Day

I really enjoyed reading this eConsultancy story on classical rhetorical approaches to writing copy.

Here is a snippet from the piece:

To the ancients, rhetoric was a wide-ranging, multi-disciplinary mindset that encompassed the art of public speaking, logical argument, literary composition and much more.

It went without saying that winning a debate in the senate, getting a case settled in your favour, or winning supporters to your cause (classical conversions, if you will) relied not just on having good information or reasoning, but on understanding how best to arrange and present your material to most persuasive effect.

Things were pretty much the same come the Renaissance, with its love of all things ancient. Shakespeare and his contemporaries would have studied rhetoric extensively, learning how to deploy the classical figures or devices, and practising how to argue for and against the same point at school.


Here are three classical rhetorical devices that strike me as particularly relevant to digital copywriting…

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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