Friday, February 6, 2015

Wendy's Mobile Growing

Great little article over on Mobile Commerce Daily about Wendy's and their mobile efforts.

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Wendy’s is already using mobile ordering in seven restaurants in Columbus, OH, and plans to covert the Phoenix market by the end of this month while a loyalty pilot program is underway in nine markets and a mobile payments pilot test expected to launch soon. While mobile alone is not the answer for brands, if Wendy’s can integrating messaging that is resonating with its mobile strategy, this could give the brand a boost.

Wendy's is involved in CurrentC and could have interesting work lined up.  Here is a bit more from that article:

Wendy’s is also a member of the retail consortium MCX, which is developing a mobile payments solution. The chain expects to begin a pilot test of the MCX mobile wallet, CurrentC, in the coming months.

Taken together with the mobile ordering and loyalty pilots, Wendy’s is clearly betting big on mobile.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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