Friday, February 6, 2015

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0193 Forrester Branded App Recommendations

I've been traveling this week so these posts are a catch-up for much of the week's news and good reading.  This one is by far the most interesting to me.

Forrester research has just released a new analytics paper on marketing trends for mobile apps and there is a very good little write-up on Mobile Commerce Daily for those not willing or able to pay $499 to purchase the entire paper.

Here is a snippet from that piece:

The new Forrester report, “2015 Mobile App Marketing Trends: Orchestrate Your Brand Presence, Beyond Your Own Apps, By Borrowing Mobile Moments,” explores marketers’ decisions to invest significant resources into building their own branded apps because research suggests consumers spend a majority of their mobile time on apps. However, new Forrester data shows that, on average, consumers in the United States and Britain use 24 apps per month but spend more than 80 percent of the time in their five most time-consuming apps.

What we know is there are segments of the population that have no interest in branded apps for their interactions, such as heavy social media users.  However, at least one high-quality study indicates there is at least one very important segment that does want a branded app, and these tend to be the most affluent consumers.  The guidance offered by Forrester appears to help fill the gap in understanding between a website, mobile web, and mobile apps.  Very good reading.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

**UPDATE**  Good read over on Internet Retailer:

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