Friday, December 5, 2014

Updates on Facebook Ads and Target's Game

A couple of stories came out that tie to recent posts on this blog.  Excellent follow-up pieces.

First up is an analysis of Facebook's new advertising:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Do you advertise on Facebook? Or plan to? If so, then you should know that there have been some big changes lately.

To help you navigate these, here are 4 recent improvements which will help you advertise on Facebook more effectively.

Facebook is changing how brands deliver content on the platform. Unpaid, or 'organic', reach has declined dramatically and Facebook has made it clear that this trend will continue. This is bad news for companies who have built their business on reaching customers on Facebook at no cost.

But for those who are willing to pay, Facebook has been much kinder. They are now regularly updating their ad tools to make it easier for businesses to advertise on the platform and reach those who might be interested in what they have to offer.

Next is a story from Google Think about Target's Mobile Game:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Holiday shoppers use their mobile devices for all kinds of things. They might see a product on a shelf, use their phone to conduct research and price comparison, examine the product in person and then decide whether to buy it in-store, online or not at all. What if that phone could also offer a fun shopping experience that supports the retail brand? And what if that experience could be used to attract more shoppers to your store? That's what Target is aiming for with the new Bullseye's Playground in-store gaming experience, built in partnership with Google's Art, Copy & Code team.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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