Monday, December 29, 2014

Apple Pay, CurrentC, and Amazon

A few good articles I've found today, though one is a few days old.  These are good reads overall.

First up is the beginning of what is sure to be series of articles we'll see that summarize the year.  This year-end tradition is a bit annoying to me overall but has its worth I guess.  This one is good if you haven't followed along closely with events in mobile payments:

Next is an article on ComputerWorld about Apple Pay and the issues we've seen with various forms of mobile payments.  This is worthy of the read just for the part on McDonalds and Apple Pay:

Finally is news from Mobile Commerce Daily about Amazon.  Seems mobile is a huge part of their eCommerce business now, thanks to both smart phones and tablets I'm sure.

I hope your holiday season is going well.  Best Regards to all.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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