Friday, December 12, 2014

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0177 Google and Apple Smartphones

If you are looking for one, concise, article to sum up what is happening in the smartphone wars between Google and Apple look no further.  The folks over at Re/Code have it:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

When thinking about smartphones — the most important digital devices today — it’s customary to think of the business as a simple market-share contest. The conventional wisdom is that, of the two players who count, Google, via its Android platform, has soundly trounced Apple, via its iOS platform. So, game over.

But, as with most conventional wisdom, this example is oversimplified and ignores many nuances. The game is not over. In fact, the two contestants are playing different games, in which success isn’t mutually exclusive. Both have been very successful, but by different metrics and different skills.

And each of these heavyweights is facing serious challenges, though rather different ones.

Notice Windows Phone isn't mentioned at all as it lingers in the single digit market share range, and Blackberry is just a blip on the radar.

The reason this is the best read of the day is due to both the excellent groundwork the article does and the very recent news captured there such as the quotes from the Apple iPhone product team.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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