Wednesday, April 16, 2014

LevelUp Reaches Break Even on Payments

If you live in an around Boston you definitely need to try out LevelUp.

They are in the news a bit today:

Here is a portion of that article:

LevelUp stirred the pot in 2012 when it launched with its “Interchange Zero” campaign. Moving money, said LevelUp’s Chief Ninja, Seth Priebatsch at the time, was pretty much a commodity and of little value. (Well, he actually said no value, but I sort of disagree with that. Moving money is really valuable, it’s just that a lot of people are in the business of doing it and so it has become a commodity.) Seth felt strongly that the real value of any mobile payments provider was in their ability to track customers and capture data about their transactions; data that could be mashed up with other data, like the weather, to deliver targeted campaigns that helped merchants drive more foot traffic – and therefore, more dollars, into their stores. And, of course using the mobile device to enable all of that, including payment at the point of sale.

One more good link to read:

I was on site visiting LevelUp during the 2012 time frame in question there.  It was shortly before the Interchange Zero campaign came in to being.  They are an energetic shop doing interesting things in the mobile payments and loyalty space.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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