Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Mobile Apps Not Translating to Sales

This is very interesting news over on Re/Code:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

We live in a world of apps: More than a million can be downloaded from Apple’s App Store; another 1.3 million or so from Google Play. We spend the vast majority of our Internet time using apps on our mobile devices (86 percent of it, says Flurry).

Much has been made of the dominance of apps in the world of mobile. But guess what? When mobile shoppers actually buy stuff, it’s not through apps, but on mobile websites, according to an eMarketer report, based on work by Baynote and the E-Tailing Group.

I've been following this for a while and am fascinated at usage statistics in this area.  It does seem there is an excellent opportunity to offer a strong experience in the mobile web world.

So if retail apps aren't used all that much for buying stuff, what are they being used for, and what should retailers be building?  Seems the focus should be on everything else.

I wrote a paper that makes that argument, in part, a little over a year ago.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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