Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Comcast Sales Metrics

Waitaminute, the service support staff is supposed to sell, sell, sell?!!?

Hadn't we figured that out?

I think there is no question this has been the case for some time with some of the major service providers but this story tells the inside details we always suspected.

I first found this story over on ArsTechnica:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Media attention and fallout from Comcast’s viral customer service missteps continue to plague the country’s largest Internet service provider. First there was Ryan Block’s ludicrous cancellation call, then Comcast refused to refund invalid fees for Tim Davis until he caught the company in a lie, and then Comcast kept Aaron Spain on hold for three hours, long enough for the customer service lines to close and leave Spain in limbo.

Each instance has been met with a swift response from Comcast’s PR group after going viral, but quick, reactionary responses don’t do anything to fix the underlying problems. Leaked documents obtained by The Verge (full PDF) paint a portrait of exactly how broken things are in Comcast call centers throughout the country, and the documents confirm what current and former Comcast employees have been saying for the past few weeks: selling services is a required part of the job, even for employees doing tech support.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

**UPDATE** It feels like the floodgates have opened.  Here is a new story about a poor customer service call.  This one was recorded for YouTube, lasted nearly 2 hours, and had the caller go through 6 different reps without getting an answer to his issue.

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