Friday, June 14, 2013

Is It Truly Mobile?

What is "mobile"?

Why differentiate between PC's, Mobile, Smart Phones, and Tablets?

I've written a white paper on the subject with extensive appendices for your information.  You can view that through google docs here:

 Is It Truly Mobile?

Here is the summary paragraph.  I hope you find this enjoyable and informative.

Industry observers are consistently miss-categorizing tablets as purely “Mobile” devices while the customer usage data strongly indicates tablets are mostly an alternative to the traditional personal computer.  The resultant conclusions around mobility must be modified accordingly.  For example the frequently reported rise of mCommerce (see Appendix I for definitions) is actually a rise in eCommerce on the alternative tablet platform with some cannibalization of existing eCommerce almost certainly occurring.  True mobile commerce is seeing very slow adaptation rates and this is especially true within grocery retail.  To accurately focus on the omnichannel retail customer experience it is important to correctly categorize the platforms in play and make decisions accordingly.  Smartphone contributions to the customer experience are critical but significantly less so as a mCommerce provider.  Therefore, mobile development for smartphones should focus on areas other than mCommerce.


J.W. Gant

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