Monday, March 3, 2014

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0089 Mobile Wallets

Mobile Commerce Daily has written up a report made available by Yankee Group.

I've not been able to get my hands on a copy of the full report.  Here is a snippet from that piece on MCD:

According to the “U.S. Mobile Wallet Roundup: Gauging the Future Potential of Today’s Solutions” report, two-thirds of consumers are interested in mobile wallets, but this has yet to translate to mass adoption. The report also points to PayPal as the leader in the space, with 15 percent of consumers having used its application in the past month to make an in-store purchase.


Yankee Group tracked seven current-generation third-party wallet initiatives with physical-world payment capabilities by conducting consumer surveys and speaking with wallet providers, retailers, card networks, payment processors, issuers, mobile network operators and point-of-sale vendors. The report assigns each mobile wallet solution with a high, medium or low potential.

The mobile wallets with high potential are PayPal and MCX. The ones with medium potential are LevelUp and Google Wallet, and the ones with low potential are Square, Isis and Loop.

Here is a snapshot of the first exhibit in the Yankee Group report:

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Good article on Yahoo News.  Much better than the one listed above.

This quote stands out to me:
MCX’s key advantage is the fact that it signed on with grocery chains and gas stations – two high-use areas. “That’s a great way to encourage use and change an entrenched behavior,” says McKee. “It’s going to be very disruptive.”

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