Monday, March 31, 2014

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0100 Microsoft's New Direction


One hundred posts in the "Best Reading of the Day" category.  All done in less than a year.

Today we will look at Microsoft that recently made its office products available for iPad.  This is a significant break from the past where other Microsoft endeavors were always tied to Windows.  This move follows others, such as the renaming of Microsoft Windows Azure cloud services to just "Microsoft Azure", that indicate a break from the past.

Here is the article:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Microsoft had become an oft-ignored, behemoth to the North, despite $77 billion in revenue, $57 billion in gross profits and $21 billion in net income. It seemed that the mobile revolution had passed it by. Although Steve Ballmer was already making many of the right moves, it took new CEO Satya Nadella to fully accept that Microsoft had to move beyond Windows into a new future of apps and cloud services.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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