Thursday, March 6, 2014

Android Tablets Sold More Than iPads

Let's go back in time briefly.

The year is 2007.  Google is working on a phone idea that will put the internet in your pocket.  Apple is working on the same thing.  The keynote announcing the iPhone hits like a bombshell and the world is changed.  Google re-gears the entire Android concept and is playing catchup.

Just a few years later Android smart phones are outselling iPhones.  Yet the usage data shows Apple customers are typically more affluent, browse more on their iPhones, and spend more than their Android using counterparts.

The year is 2010 and the iPad is announced.  Google soon follows with Android tablets and the battle is on yet again.

Today we learned that Android tablets have surpassed sales of iPads for the first time.

What should we take from this news?  The analysis above states it is more of the same.  More Androids, but much more usage (and sales) through Apple devices.  Here is a snippet from that piece:

So what does this shift in tablet market share mean for retailers and mobile commerce? Not much, retailers and mobile experts say, because consumers who use iPads browse and buy far more than those using other tablets. This follows the exact same pattern that’s developed with smartphones: Android phones have a significant lead in market share, yet Apple iPhone users account for a gigantic majority of browsing and buying.

In my personal repertoire of devices I have a few to choose from at any given moment of any day:

  • Windows 7 Tablet
  • 2 HP TouchPads
  • Google Nexus 7
  • iPad Air
  • Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2
My go to device is the Windows 8 platform.  Love it.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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