Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0021 Skeuomorphism

Back in May of this year I wrote a white paper on Skeuomorphic design.  This was published as a blog entry on June 20.

A blog over on Econsultancy has taken this question up again following the announcement of iOS 7.


Here is a snippet from that:

The emergence of flat design does not necessarily spell the end for realistic design. Skeuomorphism is very effective at communicating differentiation between items.
For example, Apple’s apps are extremely easy to identify with due to their individual styling whereas with flat design, incoherence is a potential risk. Is using different colours for items enough? 
This is a concern amongst the more level headed experts in the web design and development community; those who do not take a trend to extreme lengths just because it is the “in thing” at the time.
Should the same designers who have taken skeuomorphism too far attack flat design with the same ill-advised verve, the results could be disastrous.
Happy reading,

J.W. Gant

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