Thursday, June 20, 2013

User Interface Design

Have you been hearing the word "Skeuomorphism" recently regarding Apple?

Know who Jony Ive is?

Hear anything about iOS 7 in the news?

Recently I performed an analysis of the current state of design in the User Interface realm and what application developers should be focused on.  The result was a new white paper where I predicted the design elements in smart phones were all moving towards a flat interface with more emphasis on using the design elements to pass information.  The purpose of this white paper is to inform application developments efforts about the direction they should be taking today to prepare for the world of tomorrow.

You can read that white paper written back in May here:
The End of Skeuomorphism

At Apple's WorldWide Developer's Conference this year, on June 10th, many of the details of the pending iOS 7 operating system were released.  A flat design was indeed their path forward with non-skeuomorphic design a central element and more.

Here is Apple's page on the WWDC:

It appears Apple is currently confronting The_Innovator's_Dilemma and is only going to release incremental changes to their existing products.  Innovation in design is happening elsewhere and Apple is playing the follower now.

Here is a concept image to help you picture the differences:

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant

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