Monday, July 8, 2013

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0010 How NOT to Make an App


What a mess.

Thinking about app design and development some decisions seem obvious to me.  However, these clearly are not obvious to everyone.

Here is a blog entry off of Ars Technica (well worth checking daily) on an app:

Just read this part if nothing else:

This app's very existence is vaguely bewildering. The number of permissions it asks for verges on parody. Its (previous) ability to spam up your social feeds is obnoxious. Its presentation is perfunctory at best. It does nothing to protect the songs from downloading and sharing—of course, this would have happened with Samsung's cooperation or not, but if the point was "exclusivity," then somebody missed a memo somewhere.

Ridiculous.  Good reading for anyone interested in the mobile app space, either users or on the creation side.

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant

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