Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Innovation Lessons from Tennis

As a nearly life-long player of tennis this story really caught my eye and was quite enjoyable.  As I read it, however, I was even more struck by the possibility of applying these lessons to any of our endeavors.  Want to be innovative? Need to be competitive in an ever changing market?  Read on.

Here is a snippet from the piece:

Every singles tennis match is bound by the same dimensions — played on a court 78 feet long by 27 feet across and a net 3.5 feet high at the posts, with rackets no more than 29 inches long and 12.5 inches across — yet each one is a laboratory for innovation, unrestrained by a risk-averse coach or the conflicting desires of teammates. Not every tennis player thinks or talks deeply and consciously about analytics, but each one is analyzing herself and her opponents, strategically and tactically, before a match, between points and before every shot.

So how might these lessons be applicable in whatever industry you reside in? We are seeing disruptive innovation in a variety of industries from retail to taxis. The Information Age is still progressing and is changing the fundamental structure of our society.  Innovation might merely mean catching up to the new normal yes?  At this time in history there may be no greater skill than that of innovation.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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