Thursday, November 20, 2014

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0172 Approaches to Social Media

AdAge has a very good little article on social media, mostly because of the amusing pieces captured throughout by way of warning.

Here is a snippet from that piece:

2) Don't use a hashtag. Not only can it be misappropriated, like #McDStories, but some can be misread. The best version of this was when Susan Boyle's album was promoted using #susanalbumparty, which turned into an inadvertent nod to the Saturday Night Live sketches of Sean Connery misreading Jeopardy categories. Just avoid hashtags altogether.

I'd say the title of the article gets it right.  If you want to 'play it safe' in social media you should follow the guidelines as written in the article.  However, no use of hashtags for example is not going to get you too far in social media.  Consider this article to be fair warning should you choose to do other than merely playing it safe.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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