Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Apple Pay vs. CurrentC

The news the last week or so has been pretty heavy on Apple Pay vs. CurrentC.  The media loves a good fight but why can't they live together?  Maybe not in the short term, but over a long enough timeline won't we see a number of ways to pay with your mobile device?  Don't we already have many ways to pay with our mobile device between LevelUp, PayPal, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and CurrentC?

Some are already declaring winners and losers.  Who are they and what are they saying?

Here is with winners and losers:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

But there’s another reason credit card companies are enthusiastic about Apple Pay: the alternative, CurrentC, could be pretty scary.CurrentC is a payment system mega retailers like Walmart and Best Buy are working on that could cut out credit card companies altogether. While Apple Pay leaves the traditional credit card system intact by simply moving it to your phone, analysts speculate that the CurrentC program will link payments through a network connected directly to your savings account. Voila: no middleman.

“If a technology comes along that’s focused on getting you to not use Visa, then that’s a competitor to us,” says Dill. The threat of CurrentC makes Apple Pay look more like a rickety lifeboat for the credit card companies than the super-fast motorboat Apple has promised.

Here is Karen Webster declaring CurrentC dead before it has even fully launched:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

So, how does CurrentC to get out of this mess?

Well, I don’t think they do.

I believe that this is the beginning of a huge reboot at CurrentC and quite possibly its complete unraveling.

Karen comes across as at least a little naive in that piece.  Really, the merchants should yield all control of their interactions with the consumer?  Sounds like a recipe to go out of business to me.

At least one person is picking Google Wallet to win over Apple Pay, yes Google:

That isn't unreasonable thinking.  We've already seen payments via Google Wallet bump following the NFC news of Apple Pay.

The big-box retailer Target is in the news as an early supporter of CurrentC, running transactions now in Minnesota according to this piece:

Why are some merchants saying "No" to Apple Pay?  Here is a story on that:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Industry observers say the reluctance of some merchants to embrace Apple Pay all comes down to one thing: fees. And consumers are likely to remain caught in the midst of this tug-of-war between credit-card networks and merchants for some time.

Here is a piece on Re/Code that quotes the CEO of MCX a bit:

Burger King is going with PayPal for their mobile payment option:

Want to understand a bit of the deal Apple Pay made?

What about Starbucks?  Isn't this the most successful mobile payments mechanism in history, as opposed to Tim Cook's statement about Apple Pay?  Yes it is.

Does this look like space likely to see some consolidation in the coming year or two?  Maybe.  However, it also looks like a space where more than one winner is going to come out on top.  Which ones will those be?

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

**UPDATE**  Just a bit more as this one lays out the story of the relationship Apple has forced on the banks and the issuers:

**UPDATE #2** The CEO of MCX, Dekkers Davidson, is at Money2020 and had some comments:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

...Davidson attributed much of the negative publicity about CurrentC to the efforts by the 80 merchants that control MCX to “challenge” a payments business that has largely left merchants on the sidelines. “Some have mocked us or laughed at us, some are attacking us,” he said. “That’s to be expected when you challenge the status quo.” Later in his remarks, he returned to this theme, saying, “If you’re going to change the status quo, you’ve got to challenge the status quo.”

The little engine that could?

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