Friday, May 16, 2014

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0116 Silent Check-In

Two good write-ups recently captured the 'Foursquare' release of their new product named 'Swarm'.

Foursquare is a check-in company that allows you to tell people in your network where you are and interact with them.  These are great for high-density areas such as major metropolitan areas.

Here is the best write-up from 'Tech Crunch':

Here is a snippet from that piece:

The underlying mechanics of Swarm are what’s really interesting here — and more importantly what it says about the next generation of apps you’ll be using on your smartphone.

There’s a fundamental shift in the way that we use apps underway, and the symptoms are all over the map. From a deeper, more thoughtful approach to push notifications to the breaking apart of large, unwieldy apps into smaller more focused components.

The shift we’re seeing will be the third strata of user interaction since the iPhone popularized the mobile app in a major way.

Here is the 2nd article, also worth reading:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Foursquare was founded on check-ins. When the original app emerged in 2009, it blossomed on the idea that you could broadcast your location and see where your friends were, all while earning playful badges, points and mayorships.

It was this reputation that caused such a stir when Foursquare announced plans to pull these features and move them into a new app called Swarm. While the company developed its core offering around exploration and recommendations, it sought to preserve some of its legacy in a new, lightweight experience.

Today, the app launches on iOS and Android.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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