Friday, November 15, 2013

Bluetooth Low Energy Drumbeat Continues

The news coming out about new initiatives to take advantage of BLE, Bluetooth Low Energy, is starting to sound like a drumbeat.  The hype machine is definitely kicking in but there are also real world benefits to utilizing this technology as I've written about in these pages.

The latest is word from Nokia about Windows Phone 8 enabling of the technology.  Bluetooth has been in place as a hardware component in most all smart devices for many years.  This software update makes it a low energy, and therefore ubiquitous or "always on" option.

Here is the short article announcing this:


The author completely misses the importance of this as another entry in enabling BLE for payments, etc. but correctly speaks to the accessorizing capability of it:

...the low-energy technology lets you pair your phone with special accessories designed for health and fitness, among other areas...

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant

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