Friday, October 30, 2015

Macy's Bluetooth In-Store Game

Now this is cool!

I once worked to put together a QR Code based scavenger hunt for a trade-show event, enabled through the event app in the mobile devices of the attendees.  This takes is to a much higher level.

Read on:

Here is a snippet from the piece:

Macy’s keen grasp of mobile’s significant role for Thanksgiving weekend shoppers is evident from a new in-store contest leveraging beacon technology, a focus on Pinterest for showcasing deals and a mobile-enabled shopping list.

The retailer, long a leader in mobile shopping, is offering in-store shoppers multiple chances to win prizes by playing the mobile enabled Macy’s Black Friday Walk In and Win game, which is triggered by beacons. Additionally, shoppers can get a sneak peak at Black Friday specials on the Macy’s Pinterest page and build a shopping list from their mobile phones on that they can shop from directly on Thanksgiving Day.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Beacons and Mobile Tech Changing Retail

Good little article over on about the potential impact of the emerging mobile technologies, such as bluetooth beacons, on retail.

Here is the story:

Here is a snippet from the piece:

While it was just another brick and mortar store failing to keep with the times, the February 2015 bankruptcy filing of Radio Shack was particularly ironic.

This was a company that once was a mecca for technology enthusiasts, but it couldn’t adapt to the latest technologies that shape consumer behavior.

As online stores continue to dominate, how will traditional retailers keep up with their consumer demands?

Here’s how retailers need to learn to adapt to disruptive technologies or else, like Radio Shack, face extinction.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Money 20/20, Chase Bank and CurrentC

All of the money is in Vegas this week as Money 20/20 roars in to 2015.  This is the big industry trade show for all things "money".

The biggest news so far is a new mobile wallet by Chase with the retail backing of MCX and the CurrentC wallet.

Here is one article on this news:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

JPMorgan Chase & Co. on Monday unveiled its Chase Pay mobile wallet and said the product will begin rolling out in the middle of next year. Chase also said its new wallet will be accepted at merchants belonging to the Merchant Customer Exchange LLC, a retailer-controlled consortium that has been testing its own wallet, CurrentC, in Columbus, Ohio.

CNBC had a piece on the growing criticality of mobile wallets:

Here is a snippet from that piece:\

The battle to own your digital wallet is on.

2016 will be a pivotal year for mobile payments, with total transaction values jumping 210 percent, according to eMarketer. Why? Mobile wallets — like Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay and MCX — will become standard features on smartphones and more merchants will adopt point-of-sale systems that can accept mobile payments.

It makes sense then that this is a big story at Money20/20 in Las Vegas.

Here is one more article on this:

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

**UPDATE** Great little analysis came out today about the recent CurrentC news:

Here is a snippet from that piece:

With two strokes of the pen, Merchant Customer Exchange LLC has addressed one glaring weakness in its mobile wallet. By announcing a deal this week with JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s brand-new Chase Pay mobile-payments service and two weeks ago with a little-known New York City-based app provider called BIM Networks Inc., MCX brought open-loop and store-branded automated clearing house payments to its fledgling CurrentC service.

Next up is the press release of the keynote by the CEO of MCX:

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fun Mobile Loyalty Programs

The folks over at Mobile Marketer have an excellent piece on the loyalty of Millennials. Not surprisingly it has been found that a fun mobile loyalty program will attract this tech-savvy generation.

Shocker.  However, it is always good to formalize our understanding of the things we come to take for granted. Big retailers, such as Target, are taking notice.

Here is a snippet from the piece:

With recent research showing that fun experiences are key to loyalty for millennials, savvy marketers such as Sephora, Pepsi and Target are leveraging mobile to bring elements of gaming, social media and relevant content for more enjoyable programs.

The millennial demographic needs to be reached with a variety of different tactics compared to other consumers, as their values vastly differ from others, according to a new survey from Colloquy. Marketers need to focus on creating meaningful experiences rather than economic gains when it comes to reaching millennials through loyalty and mobile, as these consumers hold this type of marketing in much higher regard.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Forrester Analyzes Apple Pay

Great read from the folks at Forrester, doing some of the very best work at analyzing all things mobile.

Here is a snippet from the read:

While Apple Pay’s adoption rate so far is encouraging, the solution faces resistance in many countries, is viewed as a threat by some banks and still needs to prove its value for merchants, according to a new report from Forrester.

In its first 12 months, Apple Pay made notable gains in building a meaningful presence in the United States and Britain with financial organizations, retailers and consumers, according to the report, Apple Pay Should Be Part Of Your Bank’s Payment Strategy. While it is facing some significant challenges building on that success, Forrester still expects Apple Pay to be a permanent part of the payments landscape in many developed countries.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

BRotD - Entry 0236 WalmartLabs Impacting Mobile Retail

Best Reading of the Day

This story over on PC Magazine is a really excellent read.

If you don't know much about Walmart you should know that everyone on the planet comes to Bentonville, AR if they want to do business with Walmart, and many people do.  One notable exception is the technology arm of the retail giant.  That is WalmartLabs outside of San Francisco.  What have they been up to?  Just leading the world in the bricks & mobile work (a quote taken from a Target representative to be a bit ironic).

Read on:,2817,2493418,00.asp

Here is a snippet from the piece:

At this year's inaugural TAP Conference, representatives from start-ups, big tech companies, and venture capital (VC) firms came together to discuss the state of the mobile app economy, and the evolving nature of online shopping and mobile commerce. The point of sale (POS) landscape is changing as context and in-app purchases drive a new wave of mobile conversions.

Large enterprises and retailers are as acutely affected by this shift as start-ups (which are, arguably, more so); this made the afternoon panel entitled "Connecting Fortune 500s to the Mobile Economy" one of the conference's most fascinating. In some cases, Fortune 500s are propelling more mobile commerce innovation than start-ups. Onstage, panelists from Citigroup Inc., Walgreen Co., @WalmartLabs, and 7-Eleven, Inc. talked about the ways in which their companies are innovating—from launching new apps and partnerships to rolling out smart features around beacons, push notifications, and user experience (UX).

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Friday, October 16, 2015

Some Fashion Selling Better Through Mobile

Some, but not all.  Not by a long shot.  This was a very interesting article to me that emphasizes the differences in the eCommerce world between desktop buying, mobile buying, and leads to questions around in-store buying habits.

Check it out:

Here is a snippet from the piece:

A Gilt executive at the Mobile Shopping Summit 2015 revealed that more consumers purchase Hermès handbags on mobile than on desktop, suggesting that accessories and jewelry are better suited to mcommerce than ready-to-wear apparel.

During the “Loyalty Panel: Increasing Customer Lifetime Value By Developing A Consistent Brand Voice Across Devices” session, the executive discussed how some retail categories are not as readily bridged with mobile as others. Consequently, the brand has revamped the imagery in its mobile application and site and lessened credit card friction to make the shopping process seamless and fuel more sales.

“Some categories we haven’t been able to bridge as much as others,” said Cynthia Kleinbaum, director of loyalty marketing at Gilt Groupe, New York. “Ready-to-wear has been a challenge, not so much accessories and handbags.”

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Walmart's 3 Year Strategic Plan

When Walmart makes a move in the retail world (and increasingly in eCommerce and the requisite technology) folks should take note.

How about a 3 year strategic plan?

Sounds like it is worthy of a read.

Here is a snippet from the piece:

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has unveiled a new plan to drive sales by bolstering its U.S. and e-commerce businesses.

The Bentonville, Ark.-based mega-retailer intends for its new three-year strategic framework to improve the in-store experience, use Walmart’s unique supply chain capabilities to lower costs, and establish meaningful digital relationships with shoppers.

"These are exciting times in retail, given the pace and magnitude of change," said Walmart President and CEO Doug McMillon.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

**UPDATE**  I've found another story on this subject that is worth adding here.  First though, I was struck by the statement the CEO makes about becoming the first to create a seemless customer experience at scale.  Wow!  That is a huge undertaking.

Here is the other story on this:

Did Wal-Mart’s CEO Just Drop a Major Bombshell?

CurrentC Mobile Payments by MCX in the News

News from the CEO at Merchant Customer Exchange about their ongoing public beta in Columbus, OH.

Here is a snippet from the piece:

Within a week, four more major retailers—ExxonMobil, Sears, Shell Oil, and WalMart—will join the CurrentC pilot that started last month in Columbus, Ohio. That’s according to Brian V. Mooney, a long-time processing executive who took over in April as interim chief executive of the mobile wallet’s sponsor organization, Merchant Customer Exchange LLC.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

PS  For the record I am no longer on the board at MCX and have no inside knowledge of any of its activities.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How to Make Quality Products

The title of this article caught my eye.

The secret to first-rate mobile apps for customers? Iterate, iterate, iterate
While I've spent the last 3 years on mobile apps and couldn't agree more with this, it struck me this statement could be applied to just about any product.

Here is the full story:

Here is a snippet from the piece:

Take four heavy-hitting brands -- Allstate, Hilton, United Airlines and American Express, all of which place a premium on customer loyalty and retention. Mix in the customer-pleasing form of mobile devices and the ever-advancing function of mobile apps.

What you get are four organizations using mobile to connect better with customers by leveraging their well-organized IT structures and well-skilled IT staffers.

"Mobile is really about supporting your overall business objective," says Forrester Research analyst Julie Ask. "Sometimes it's around revenue or sales, sometimes it's about influencing sales in stores. It could be about customer service." But to be successful, she adds, "mobile has to be an enabler of a better customer experience."

I really like the work Forrester is doing in this arena, by the way.  If you can afford their services they are worth taking a look at.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Facebook OmniCommerce?

"Like" something on Facebook.  Then "Buy" it.

Simple right?

Seems that is the direction they are headed and the folks at Facebook just took a big step in that direction. Omnicommerce here we come.

Read on:

Here is a snippet from the piece:

Facebook is testing a single location where users can easily discover, share and purchase a personalized selection of products as the race heats up to connect millennials’ time spent on social media with their shopping needs.

The dedicated shopping feed will aggregate photos and products on sale from different retailers’ pages on Facebook. Retailers will be able to advertise here as well by using the feed’s search bar for traditional keyword ads.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Friday, October 9, 2015

New J.R.R. Tolkien

Time for something completely different.

I've been a fan of the books written by J.R.R. Tolkien since the late '70's and have read the entire 'Lord of the Rings' books just about once for every year I've been on this earth.

Guess that makes me a huge fan.

Yes, I enjoyed the movies a ton as well.

Time for a wonderful new book.

A collection of sketches, drawings, and maps by Tolkien himself that helps show the evolution of Middle Earth.  Simply wonderful, and to be available in time for the holidays.  Pick one up for a family member or friend who is a fan.

Here is a snippet from the piece:

HOW DID J.R.R. Tolkien create The Lord of the Rings? The simple answer is that he wrote it. He sat down in a chair in 1937 and spent more than a dozen years working on what remains a masterwork of fantasy literature and a genius stroke of immersive worldbuilding.

The more complicated answer is that in addition to writing the story, he drew it. The many maps and sketches he made while drafting The Lord of the Rings informed his storytelling, allowing him to test narrative ideas and illustrate scenes he needed to capture in words. For Tolkien, the art of writing and the art of drawing were inextricably intertwined.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

PS  I probably sign my name as I do because of Tolkien.

Big Food Not Seeing Success in the Digital Era

I've written extensively about the prospects for both retailers and manufacturer brands in the Age of the Participant. It appears the largest manufacturer brands aren't seeing realization to their potential, yet.  Or perhaps the big retailers have successfully countered?

Read on:

Here is a snippet from the piece:

The top 100 CPG brands aren’t performing well on retail shelves, according to the latest report from Catalina Marketing.

In the 12 months ending June 30, 62 of the top 100 national brands of food and other consumable goods declined in sales dollar volume, by an average of 4.4 percent. Collectively, the 100 saw a drop in sales of 0.8 percent.

For the 38 brands that went up in sales, the average gain was 5.5 percent. However, 90 of the top 100 brands lost market share within their category overall.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Attribution in the Age of the Participant

The Digital Age has transformed a lot in this world and marketing is no exception.  This little story over on Econsultancy is worth reading:

Here is a snippet from the piece:

Attribution has left many businesses frustrated as they get lost in the technology and struggle to harness the value. As soon as ‘attribution’ is mentioned the conversation tends to be polarised on the details of the sharing algorithm and the technology used.

While the attribution technology and the algorithm for sharing value across touchpoints is important, today I want to widen the lens on the subject and look at the three stages that make up the discipline of attribution and look at why this wider view is crucial to success.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Microsoft Surface Book and Pro 4

Big announcements by Microsoft the other day as the company continues its transformation.  One piece of news is Windows 10 hitting well over 100 million users.  Wow.

This little story over on is worth reading to see the future of hardware, today:

Here is a snippet from the piece:

Microsoft’s Surface Book is the most exciting Windows laptop in years. Actually, aside from a few hot-rod gaming rigs, it may be the only exciting Windows laptop in years. That’s great news for people who’ve longed to long for a PC again. And it could be a nightmare for every other PC manufacturer.

If you missed the Surface Book announcement, you’ll want to get acquainted. It’s a 13.5-inch laptop with a killer display, maxed-out guts, a funky cool hinge, and a top half that detaches, like the saucer of the USS Enterprise, to become a thick, powerful tablet. Reattach the display face-up, and the Surface Book enters “draw mode,” which brings the full power of a discrete Nvidia GPU to bear on stylus-based sketches and similar applicationxs. It’s a beauty, it’s a beast, and at $1,500 it’s expensive but not ludicrously so.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant