Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0160 Whole Foods' Mobile Efforts

At least one executive at Whole Foods has it right regarding mobile.  The article's author writes:

"... the brand’s planned rollout of a new mobile platform [will]... serve as a companion during the in-store experience."
“Lifestyle in terms of the mobile space is really a merit of the lifestyle of the customer with the brand,” Mr. Wilson said. “The mantra I have is mobile is a physical experience.

“The blend of physical and digital has been done to death,” he said. “If there is a digital plus physical 2.0, it’s just physical. Everything physical is inherently supported by digital."

I've been working in this space for a couple of years now, mobile for grocery retail, and can attest to the quality of thinking indicated in these statements.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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