Friday, January 24, 2014

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0080 The Singularity

When is a Luddite not a Luddite?  When enough people are disaffected.  This is pretty much the premise of the article over on RealClear Technology.  The bus protests happening in San Francisco over Google's busing system for employees spawned the thinking and it is a great read.

Here is a snippet from that piece:

Google and other Silicon Valley tech companies have attracted the protesters' ire because sky-high tech salaries have led to sky-high real estate prices in San Francisco, pricing out poorer residents. They're also in the cross-hairs for their role in assisting NSA surveillance. The private bus system (which used public bus stops) was seen as another kick in teeth by, in the words of Kevin Roose, "coddled 22-year-olds with Stanford BAs."

But recent protests against tech firms aren't confined to Silicon Valley. In France, for instance, striking taxi workers attacked and vandalized cars booked through Uber.

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant

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