Monday, January 20, 2014

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0076 Security

More word on the Target hack, some other retailers that have also been hacked but not yet publicly identified, and a BusinessWeek profile of Brian Krebs.  Great reads.

I'll start with the best one, the BusinessWeek profile:

Here is a snippet from that article:

The people who dislike cybersecurity blogger Brian Krebs aren’t subtle. In early January, Krebs got a bag of poop in the mail. That was better than the time last summer when he received 13 packets of heroin. Both were way, way better than the day last March when a SWAT team descended on his doorstep, lured by a fake report of a hostage situation. “Having multiple automatic weapons pointed at your head is not my idea of a great time,” Krebs deadpans. “The kind of work I do, I paint a big target on my head.”
Six more U.S. retailers have also been hit, like Target, but have not yet been publicly identified:

Finally, a story on Target's last breech in 2005 and what they've done, or haven't done, in response:

I really like that last one as well.  Security is a cost center so the companies will always pay great lip service in public while doing as little as possible to actually protect the consumer.

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant

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