Monday, September 30, 2013

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0039 Luxury Brands

Luxury brands have been on my mind recently with the release of the new iPhone 5S alongside the new iPhone 5C (that some refer to as the iPhone "cheap").

It seems to me there is much to think about marketing a luxury brand and there are lessons to learn there to apply to next generation loyalty as well.

Retail Online Integration has a fairly common sense article up about how to market luxury brands in the digital marketing world, the Participation Age.


Here is a snippet from that article:

Luxury brands by their nature must approach digital marketing in a far different manner than brands that appeal to the masses. This includes everything from targeting to customer service. Luxury brands must be able to take the services their customers expect in-store and provide them in the digital space.


1. Provide exclusivity, even in the digital space. Companies looking to reach high net worth individuals need to take special care to provide consumers with exclusive content. Individuals spending large amounts of money don't want the couch they just bought to show up as the first result during a Google search for "furniture."

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant

Bit of a write-up about this was posted on Gigaom a month after this post:

**UPDATE #2**
This is a worthy addition to this line of thinking:

Good reading all together.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Major League Baseball - Mobile and iBeacons

Major League Baseball has announced work to utilize the iBeacon technology in Apple's flagship device, the iPhone.  This will be rolled out as a coupon experience first then more to come later.  2014 should see this capability generally available at ballparks.

MediaPost has a short write-up on this:


Here is a short snippet from the article:

On Thursday, Major League Baseball Advance Media (MLBAM), the league’s interactive unit, demonstrated a prototype integration of iBeacon in its At The Ballpark app at Citi Field in New York. MLB officials showed how coupons can pop up on a fan’s iPhone as soon as they walk into a souvenir shop. And other features appear when fans are near landmarks, according to an AP report.

Do you have the "At The Ballpark" app yet?

Here is a short write-up of the app:

Look pretty fun for you?  I like the idea overall and this is certainly a trend we are seeing in major league sports in the United States.

When will this be available for Fenway Park??  I'd love to play around with it.

Have a great weekend,

J.W. Gant


Very good article on this at CNet:

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0038 Excellence has an excellent article up titled:

10 Inspiring Uses of Mobile in Retail

This is really a great piece.  The examples are fantastic.

One really stood out to me:

Meatpack: Hijack

This one is genius and resulted in the 'hijacking' of more than 600 customers from rival retailer's stores, who must have hated it. 
Meatpack is a shoe store in Guatemala, known for its edgy style and for being down with the kids. 
It used GPS technology to detect users of its app when they were in competitor stores, before sending them a message with a discount. 
It would start at 99% and drop by 1% every second. So, the faster users got to a store, the better the discount. 
Are you kidding me??!!??  Customers were literally running out of the store to go to Meatpack, sprinting across the mall to get their discount.


Here is the complete article including a YouTube clip of the Meatpack example:

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0037 The Participation Age

Google is out with another study.  If you haven't begun doing so you should really check out Google Think.  I've linked to the best articles and studies from there already, in my blog for your convenience, but you may find other articles interesting as well.

This is the first of a three part study on how to build an engagement engine, or a way to engage with your customers.


Here is a bit from the article:

Marketing has changed. Once, offering killer creative was enough. Now that’s just the first act. In the participation age, consumers want an opportunity to tell brands what they think of their content — and expect brands to prove they’re listening. In the first article of a three-part series, David Mogensen, Head of Brand Engagement for YouTube and a former brand marketer for a Global Fortune 500 company, highlights some of the ways marketers are prioritizing engagement in their media planning through a combination of nimble media, ads consumers choose, and longer campaign windows.

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Google Wallet Not Just NFC

News from yesterday that is of considerable impact to both ISIS and NFC in general is Google Wallet will no longer be exclusive to Android devices carrying the NFC chip.

Here is a bit from Google:

Today, we’re introducing a new version of the Google Wallet app, which is rolling out this week to all Android phones (version 2.3 and higher), available this week in the U.S. The updated app helps you easily send money on the go, store all your loyalty cards, save money through offers, and view all your Google Wallet activity - all in one place.

ISIS can perform their national rollout but with no support from Apple, no longer exclusive support from Google & Android, the only thing they have left is the EMV chip requirements.  Something no merchant wants or needs.

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant


Capital One, one of the three founders of ISIS, has pulled its support.

The end of ISIS is now clear in my opinion.  The effort this summer to create momentum was really an effort to stave off the end.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0036 Showrooming

An outstanding new study has just been released.  This was authored by a partnership of Columbia Business School and AIMIA.

Showrooming and the Rise of the Mobile Assisted Shopper

Econsultancy has a pretty good write-up of the paper and drew my attention to its release:

Here is a snippet from that article:

The report contains some valuable insights into what motivates mobile users to buy online instead of in-store, and how retailers can respond to the challenge. 
I've been asking report authors David Rogers and Matt Quint about the study...

Here is the study in its entirety (well worth reading):

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant

Friday, September 13, 2013

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0035 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

The latest iteration of Bluetooth technology goes by a few names:

  • Bluetooth 4.0
  • Bluetooth Smart
  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

Now two companies are referring to it as "Beacon" technology.  Actually Apple is calling it iBeacon but that is pretty much the same thing.  PayPal is working on Beacon technology as well.  What is Bluetooth and what is BLE?

Bluetooth is a wireless technology for exchanging information over short distances.  This is similar to Near_Field_Communication but is now available in most phones on the planet in one form or another.

A key strength of Bluetooth relative to NFC is the range of functionality.  This has also been an area of weakness as Bluetooth commonly drew heavily on battery power and raised security concerns.  With Bluetooth Low Energy, a subset of Bluetooth 4.0, these concerns seem to have been addressed.

PayPal - Beacon
The eBay owned payments company has publicly announced plans for an in-store payment mechanism using BLE.  Here is an excellent article on the subject, though the title quite overstates the case:

Here is a snippet from that article:

“PayPal Beacon opens the door to a fundamentally different way to use technology to make shopping more valuable and more personal for consumers and retailers,” says David Marcus, president of PayPal, which is owned by eBay Inc. “We challenged ourselves to find a better experience than swiping a credit card. We figured the only better way to pay would be to do nothing. Just walk in a store, and, like magic, when you’re ready to pay, money is transferred securely. No wallet. No card. Nothing to do. Not even touching your phone.”

Apple - iBeacon
Apple's announcement of iOS 7 very quietly pointed to iBeacon.  The September 10 keynote made no mention of the technology.  However, it may become something as big or bigger than the features and functionality highlighted in those announcements.  This article speaks well to Apple and how this decision completes the company's dumping on NFC:

Here is a snippet from that article:

Using Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE), iBeacon opens up a new whole dimension by creating a beacon around regions so your app can be alerted when users enter them. Beacons are a small wireless sensors placed inside any physical space that transmit data to your iPhone using Bluetooth Low Energy (also known as Bluetooth 4.0 and Bluetooth Smart).
For example, imagine you walk into a mall with an iPhone 5s (comes with iOS 7 and iBeacon). You are approaching a Macy’s store, which means your iPhone is entering into Macy’s iBeacon region. Essentially iBeacon can transmit customized coupons or even walking directions to the aisle where a particular item is located. It can prompt a customer with special promotions or a personalized messages and recommendations based on their current location or past history with the company. 

NFC and iBeacon
One more article speaks to this subject and is also worth reading:

Here is a snippet from that article:

NFC may yet take off with or without Apple - most other mobile devices on the market contain the technology. But having Apple on board would certainly make things easier for NFC’s proponents.
Jan Dawson, chief telecoms analyst at Ovum says: “Apple still doesn’t have NFC in its phones, which is how other device vendors have supported payments, and it looks like it won’t anytime soon.”

Excellent reading overall.  I hope you will take the time to scan through all 3 articles.

Final Thoughts
The mobile internet is in its infancy.  The changes we are seeing are going to continue and are going to impact the way we do things every day, often every moment of every day.  Mobile payments is coming, the so-called "internet of things" is also coming (more on that later).  This past week we learned a bit about what the next few years will look like (iBeacon, M7 chip, Touch ID), and what it won't look like (NFC).

Have a great weekend.

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant


This article is a good addition to the above reading list on the topic.

Why Apples Indoor GPS Plan is Brilliant

Happy reading.

**UPDATE #2**

Third party vendors are working on solutions to provide "beacons":

**UPDATE #3**

EConsultancy has some information on how marketers can use iBeacon technology:

**UPDATE #4**

Aisle411 is using beacon technology for in-store mapping:

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mobile Augmented Movie Watching

The last time I went to the movies I was quite annoyed at the mobile phone usage going on during the screening.  This is becoming more and more of a "problem" for moviegoers.  Or is it?

Disney is following upon some quiet experimentation around second screen viewing during movie going to augment the customer's experience.  A special app has been released that will work in parallel to special showings of "The Little Mermaid" coming back to theaters near you soon.

How does this picture suit you for the next time you go to the movies?

Some efforts have been made in the past for such an experience however none have been so ambitious.  This article provides some information on the subject:

Here is a snippet from the article:

When the mouse house re-releases the 1989 classic in theaters this week, viewers will be encouraged to bring along their iPads. It’s all part of an interesting new movie-watching experience called “Second Screen Live.”
Powered by the free Disney Second Screen Live: The Little Mermaid app, the technology allows viewers to become part of the story. As a result, you’ll be able to interact with Ariel, Sebastian and Flounder.
Times are changing.  Will we soon require two options at movie theaters such as 2nd screen allowed and 2nd screen not allowed?  Just like smoking and non-smoking sections.

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant


PC Mag has an article on the subject of 2nd screen viewing in the movie theater.,2817,2424479,00.asp


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0034 NFC, ISIS, and the iPhone

Mobile Payments.  Will it require hardware on the phone?  On the POS?  Both?  Or something else?

MCX is betting hardware that is already in place can be used for mobile payments.

ISIS is betting on the benefits of Near Field Communications (NFC) as a hardware solution.

Apple is siding with the MCX path.  For two years running the Apple Keynote announcing the new iPhone has given many supporters of NFC a headache.  No announcement of NFC support in iPhones this year, the year before, or the year before that.  NFC is limited to the very small group of new Android phones.  Is that ubiquitous enough to take off?  ISIS would like you to think so as I have written about in here before (search the tags for ISIS and click on that tag).

This article speaks to yesterday's non-announcement:

Here is a snippet from the article:

Apple has once again dismissed the mobile wallet and data-sharing capabilities of near field communication (NFC) technology. Meanwhile, NFC is being used in dozens of new Android phones, such as the Samsung Galaxy S4, and in phones running the BlackBerry and Windows Phone operating systems.
Apple's decision is clearly the result of a long-term competitive strategy based on a projection of how the mobile payments business will evolve. The move serves to benefit Apple most of all, analysts said.
Happy reading,

J.W. Gant


Bit more worth reading.  The national rollout of ISIS is relying on a NFC jacket for iPhones.  Yeah right.  As this article says:

“A case needs to be sold and distributed to consumers, then it needs to be installed on the phone and then consumers need to start using it,” said Rick Oglesby.

Never going to happen in large numbers.  Here is the entire article:

Happy reading.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Apple Event Part II - iPhone 5S and 5C

The Apple Keynote is in the books and here are the major findings around the iPhone. As expected we have a new iPhone and a 2nd new iPhone.  No surprises today.  The famed Apple secrecy has become a leaking ship.  Everyone around the world knows everything well before the event and the purpose is now merely confirmation.

For this year's event I followed the CNet live blog.

On with the findings:

1.) International Efforts
2.) Mobile Gaming
3.) Mobile Motion Sensing
4.) Fingerprint Identification

Apple is really emphasizing the international footprint of the iPhone especially China.

First the major update to the iPhone:

iPhone 5S

16GB at $199. 32GB at $299 and 64GB at $399. Yes, on-contract.  Available Sept 20.Now comes in three colors: "Space Gray" replaces Black, White and Champagne/Gold (in the middle).

Some features: 

Open GL for game processing.  Really impressive graphics capability.  Likely as good as the XBox 360 or PS3.

Big internal re-work.  The M7 chip next to the A7 64 bit processor.  The big news appears to be the A7 and 64 bit processing, the first ever for mobile.  However the M7 may be the bigger story.  This has significant motion sensing capability.  Your iPhone will know if you are walking, sitting, riding a bike, or in a car.  Fitness apps will have a great new toy to play with.  Is Apple providing this in the iPhone to help them figure out what an iWatch should do for customers?  Combine that with the fingerprint ID (next topic) for mobile payments and you have an interesting mobile/wearable device capability being built out.

Touch ID fingerprint reader.  Built in to the home button with no apparent change to the button.  All behind the scenes.  Just tap the home button to unlock your phone and the fingerprint sensor does it all.  No more swiping to unlock your iPhone.  Can also use Touch ID for iTunes purchases (think mobile payments processing is on the way?).

Next is an improved camera.  This keynote heavily emphasized the camera, a major request from customers and an opportunity for competitors such as Nokia. This has steadily improved with each iteration of the iPhone.

iOS 7 is also big news though this was announced quite some time ago.

Big news is once again not a surprise: no NFC or Near Field Communications.  Mobile payments continues to be something Apple doesn't want to make in to a hardware offering.  The ISIS type offerings of the world can beat the drum as much as they want but if Apple doesn't come onboard with the iPhone it isn't going to succeed in the United States.

Now on to the low-end phone.  The first ever offering of a less expensive iPhone.

iPhone 5C

Multi-colored phones with a plastic case instead of the more expensive metal offering.  Also has colorful slip cases as an option to combine in creative ways.  Definitely a low-end offering and definitely created to help Apple overseas and to improve the company's profit margins.  This is essentially the iPhone 5 with a plastic case available in multiple colors.

$99 for 16GB and $199 for 32GB with contract available for pre-order on Sept 13 and available the 20th

iPhone 4S

Final offering available.  Only the 8GB but for free with contract.  The lowest of the low-end from Apple and certain to be phased out with the iPhone 6 next year.

That about wraps it up.  Certainly is an evolutionary announcement.  I continue to feel Apple may be at the peak of the Innovator's Dilemma, solely focused on harvesting from their established market share rather than taking chances to innovate.  This provides an opening for other companies to leapfrog Apple.  Samsung wants to be that company.  Can they?

Have a great day,

J.W. Gant

Note: Corrected the statement that a black iPhone 5S would be offered.  It is "Space Gray", a new color, alongside the new Champagne Gold.


One good article on Bloomberg analyzes the new features on the 5S.  Good read.



Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0033 Macy's Game Advertising

Mobile Commerce Daily has a brief article on a recent advertising campaign by Macy's using a game combined with advertising, and more.  Ads ran with the Pandora iPhone app:

The copy for the ad read, “Play this game while you listen to music.” Below, a banner indicates that the game is sponsored by Macy’s.
When consumers clicked on the ad, a landing page brought up a picture of clothes next to the retailer’s famous star logo.
The landing page also features a box where consumers were required to type in the word associated with the picture in 30 seconds. The correct answer for the word was “Macy’s.”
Here is the complete article:

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant

Apple Event Part I - The iPhone 5S??

Today is the official unveiling of .... what exactly?

Apple's famous secrecy has been corrupted as of late with information including pictures coming out of factories in China.  Looks like we will see at least one new iPhone today, likely the 5S.  We may also see a budget version of the 5 series phones, the 5C, with plastic cases and multiple colors.


A thumb print reader seems highly likely.  NFC technology seems highly unlikely.  The biggest news, most likely, has already been announced in the form of iOS 7.

Will anything else new come out?  The iWatch (very unlikely), new iPods, Macs, etc.?

Cupertino, CA will be buzzing with business starting at 10am PST.  Look for more information here in the afternoon.

Have a great day,

J.W. Gant

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Smart Watch Wars Begin With Samsung

Let the wars commence.

Samsung is the first big name in the smart phone world to release a smart watch.  There have been plenty of other attempts in the last 10 years.  Even Microsoft once again built one of the first only to let competitors move in to the space more aggressively (and yet to be determined, more effectively?).

Would you wear one of these?

Better looking than some of the other stuff that has launched so far.

For the whole article read here:

What will the next shot in the smartwatch wars look like?

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant


I've been thinking a lot about these smart watches and I just can't find a compelling reason to shell out any money what so ever for one of these.  Will I be able to find that reason eventually?  Only time will tell.  Meanwhile here is a hands-on report for this Samsung offering:

Hope your weekend plans will find you enjoying the waning days of summer.