Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Best Reading of the Day - Entry 0030 Microsoft

If you haven't heard about the planned departure of Microsoft's CEO, Steve Ballmer, by now you aren't following the daily news.  12 months or so until his departure and the search begins.

This ties in with the larger question looming about the future of Microsoft, something I've written about a bit in this blog (just search the labels for "Microsoft" and you'll see all entries tagged as such).  This latest piece on Bloomberg recommends an eventual breakup in to smaller units.

Here is a bit from the reading:

Steve Ballmer’s announcement last week of his retirement from Microsoft Corp. after 13 years at the helm leaves some puzzling questions for his successor -- about Microsoft’s epic decline, its uncertain future and the ultimate purpose of a public company. Resolving them may well prove impossible. And that’s OK.


All of which makes Microsoft look like the embodiment of Clayton Christensen’s “innovator’s dilemma,” in which profitable companies fight so hard to protect their established products that they fail to respond to innovations by smaller and nimbler competitors. To react more aggressively, Ballmer would’ve risked disrupting the parts of Microsoft that were still making a lot of money -- and will be for some time. It’s hard to blame him for resisting. Yet he leaves his successor in an unenviable position.

Here is the entire article:

Happy reading,

J.W. Gant

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