Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Virtual Store Obsession

First, let's get the notion of the so-called "retail apocalypse" out of the way.

The Unites States is over-saturated with physical retail and it is feeling gravity pull it back to earth. Also, a few brands that have failed to keep up with the times are going under (Sears won't last much longer as the CEO enriches himself with its brands).

However, there is a whole new opportunity for retail and there is a gold rush to get there.

Next up is the virtual online experience.  Enter the Obsessed.

Here is a snippet from the piece:

"You can't sell fashion and art the same way you sell toothpaste," says Neha Singh. "But on the internet, that's exactly what we do: Toothpaste is sold the same way as beautiful clothes."

Singh is the founder of Obsess, a new online shopping platform that seeks to reinvigorate what she describes as the "boring and tedious" business of online shopping. Singh hopes to usher in a new era of online retail, where currently, items are almost always presented as two-dimensional thumbnails on a uniform scroll-through grid.

Here is the full story:


I love stories like this for the multi-faceted aspect of it.  This is retail, it is technology, it is innovation, it is the customer experience, it is all of that and more.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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