Tuesday, August 22, 2017

BRotD - Entry 0254 Consumer Brands and Their Customers

Best Reading of the Day

This excellent article on HBR.com is well worth your time.

As I wrote about some time ago the new digital era creates risks and opportunities for a shifting landscape.  This is the first solid analysis I've seen on Amazon's recent moves to help Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) companies interact more directly with customers.

Here is a snippet from the piece:

When news broke earlier this year about Amazon’s courtship of some of the world’s biggest consumer packaged goods ... brands, it touched off a wave of speculation. Was the e-commerce giant engaged in a long game to alter the relationships between consumer goods makers and their brick-and-mortar retail partners?

However it plays out, Amazon’s outreach exposed a digital divide in the consumer products world. On one side is the growing interest of brands in direct-to-consumer (D2C) models. On the other side are persistent worries about conflict — not just with traditional distribution channels but also with retailers carrying the brand.

Here is the full article (you may have to create a login to view it):


Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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