Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Charging Your Smart Phone

I've recently gone through a bit of a learning curve on the reliability of that battery indicator in our smartphones.  Turns out 100% may not be 100% all the time.  Seems completely ... false but I can't conclude otherwise after my recent experiences.

Cutting to the chase for those who don't want to read a bunch or dive in to the details: (1) make sure you have a good power cord for charging, plugged in to the wall, (2) ensure your battery charging port on your phone is clean.

Okay, so what brought this on?  I've noticed my aging iPhone 6 has been having battery issues.  Just doesn't seem to hold a charge well now, after more than 2 years of use (hey, its the 10 year anniversary of the iPhone and I'm holding out for this year's model!).  I've never put this phone in to a case so I don't have a protective cover for the battery port (bingo!).  Plus, my amazon generic charging cord was busting and barely working.  Regardless, if I left it plugged in long enough the reading achieved 100%.  Good to go right?  No.  Battery charging would collapse quickly after unplugging.  I figured the aging battery was going bad, at least, until I dropped it once more and the LCD quit working.

$100, a new LCD with a new scratch-free glass screen (bonus!), a free cleaning of the battery port, AND a new power cord suddenly changed everything.

Wow!  Not quite like a new phone but greatly improved.  When this phone reaches 100% it lasts most of the day, once again.  Wow!

So, 100% may not actually be 100%? Yeap.

Here is an article on cleaning your battery port:


Here is a piece on the problems the iPhone 6 and 6S has been having with the battery indicator:


Don't assume just because you don't own an iPhone 6 or 6S you won't have similar problems.  Follow the recommendations above to get the most out of your aging device.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

**UPDATE** Wow, just found this about an Apple battery replacement program for the 6S and maybe coming for the 6:

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