Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Virtual Reality Entertainment in Your Mall

We have all heard a bit about VR, virtual reality, or maybe even AR, augmented reality.

VR.  You know?  Those goofy looking people wearing some crazy futuristic headset and acting like they don't know what's happening in the real world?

Yes that.

Or "Ready Player One" as Steven Spielberg's film showed us (I do not recommend that movie, really a waste of time).

What I wasn't prepared for was a VR entertainment ride in the mall.

Here is a picture of me, on the right, taking the ride for a ... spin.

What I also was not prepared for was what the physical effect of the "ride" portion would have on me when married to the Virtual Reality headset.  Wow!  Complete immersion!

Now, I'm no fan of roller coasters as I've hardly ever ridden them and haven't built up a tolerance to their behavior.  I'm up for the Goofy ride at Disney World but not much more.  I figured, its VR, it isn't real, why not try a big roller coaster for my first ride.

No way!  I immediately panicked!  Had to take the head set off quickly and just move on.

Really?  Yes, it had that much of an impact.  I closed my eyes and chanted "It's not real.  It's not real. It's not real."  Then just gave up.  My next attempt I parachuted in to Normandy on D-Day in 1944. That was much better for me as the physical ride didn't have the same impact.

Bottom line, as I've known for years, if you haven't tried VR you just have NO IDEA what it is like.  This is going to be HUGE.  Movies.  Games.  You name it.

Here is the website for a company like the one I experienced in Boston:


Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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