Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Brands Blazing a Trail in AR or VR


What in the world is AR?

For that matter, what is VR.  Wait.  Maybe I know that one.

Augmented Reality or AR and Virtual Reality or VR are becoming hot buzzwords for a reason.  This stuff is really cool.

The folks over at ClickZ who just released a great article challenging brands to bump up their AR/VR game have released another excellent read.  This time they're focusing on brands already doing it well.

Here is a snippet from the piece:

It’s hard to believe that it’s only been two years since Pokemon Go became a national obsession and made augmented reality (AR) not just a possibility, but a reality, for digital marketers. These days, it seems like everyone is trying to figure out how to make AR work for their brand, but the key to creating an AR experience that gets audiences engaging, according to Jason Yim, CEO of Trigger Global, is to focus on functionality rather than novelty.

Monday, July 23, 2018

BRotD - Entry 0261 Storytelling

The highest achievement in brand management and advertising for a brand is to tell a story that relates the product to the people who might spend money on that product.

The art of storytelling.

As someone who has always loved storytelling in its many forms and has now joined that with my first book I am keenly aware of the power of the form.  Leveraging that for marketing is a masterful achievement.

Here is CMO.com with 6 brands that have done so:


Here is number 1 on their list:

Grey Goose
When most people think of Grey Goose, they think cocktails. But that’s not the only place where the global spirits connoisseur excels. Its content marketing efforts are vast, but the highlight is the brand’s video strategy, in which it shows that it is also a content creator.

In March, Grey Goose partnered with Academy Award-winning actor Jamie Foxx to launch “Off Script,” a nine-part digital series in which he has one-on-one conversations with Hollywood darlings, such as Jeremy Renner, Vince Vaughn, Denzel Washington, and Gabrielle Union.

I know what you are thinking.  Sure.  That works fine for the big players who can afford to hire an Academy-Award winning actor.  What about me?

Just tell a story and a compelling one that your audience cares about. That's all.  You can do it.  Be creative in the media you use but be consistent for your brand.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Netflix Stocks Slide

How is this for a headline?

Netflix's Garbage Programming Blamed for Stock Falling Off a Cliff

Here is the full story:


So Netflix didn't hit their own estimates.


They just bumped their budge for original content from $8 billion to $13 billion.

With a "B".

I'm going to go out on a limb here as someone who knows a bit about the lead time associated with the creative process.  Netflix will come storming back as this creative budget creates an explosion of excellent, finely tuned and data driven design, original content.

Stay tuned.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Brand Prep for Augmented Reality Advertising

Just when you thought you worked out your social media strategy and executed on your mobile plan now it is virtual reality or augmented reality.

Are you ready?

The fine folks over at ClickZ (you really should follow their work) have a great little article on the subject hot off the presses (for my younger readers that means they just wrote it).

Read on:


Here is a snippet from the piece:

Earlier this week, Facebook announced that it’s moving augmented reality (AR) ads out of Messenger and into the News Feed. Early adopters like fashion retailer Michael Kors and beauty brands like Sephora are creating ads that allow Facebook users to virtually test products from the comfort of their couch.

The move means that even brands without huge marketing budgets should start thinking about how AR can fit into upcoming campaigns...

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

BRotD - Entry 0260 Strategy of Apple Pay

Best Reading of the Day

Mobile payments has been something very close to my professional activities for many years now. I've competed directly against Apple and their Apple Pay product.  Where are they headed now?

Here is a snippet from the piece:

There’s a reason everyone seems to be getting into mobile payments. Thanks to increasing smartphone usage and a push for faster, simpler, more secure financial transactions, mobile payments could become a $3.4 trillion industry by 2022. In the U.S. last year, eMarketer estimated it to be a $49 billion market already.

The consumer options are sundry: There’s Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Google Pay; PayPal, Venmo, Square, and Square Cash; bank-backed alternatives like Zelle and Chase Pay; and in-app options through things like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. As consumers abandon cash, checks, and even credit cards, everyone is jumping into mobile payments—but perhaps none with the zeal of Apple.

Here is the full story:


What do retailers think?

From the start the response was mixed.  Some feel any place their customer is at they want to be as well.  Another, however, stated their mix of credit to debit was such that if mobile pay, primarily funded with credit cards, caused that mix to flip it would be billions of dollars a year lost.  That is big time incentive to work in the space right (they are)?

This is one space with entrenched, well funded and organized interests, and tons of money at stake.  Apple won't see the players in this space fold like the music industry did.  I see this space continuing to be hyper-competitive for the foreseeable future.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

Life in the Galaxy

Every now and then I ask you readers to indulge me with a bit of an off the trail topic. This is the technology blog after all and that means science.

I've written about the great filter.

Storms in New England.


Here we go again.  Is there life elsewhere in our galaxy?  Best guess says we really need to go explore to find out.

Here is a snippet from the piece:
t’s something people tell me all the time, and usually in hushed tones: “With a trillion planets out there, we really can’t be the only intelligent beings in the galaxy.” In other words, given the enormous amount of real estate in space, aliens are sure to exist. So why haven’t we found any?

I don’t dispute this straightforward idea because, after all, it underpins the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). But not everyone agrees.

3D Printing Saves the Air Force Money

How do we the U.S. taxpayer end up paying $10,000 for a toilet seat?

Fraud.  Waste.  Government incompetence.


How about when the aircraft that is still in service has a specially designed toilet seat and the company making those is no longer able to do so?  Special order 1 at a time as needed.  $10,000.00.

Hello 3D Printing.

Need a new, special, toilet seat to replace a broken one?  Print it.

Cost savings at nearly .... $10,000.00


Read the full story here:


Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

The New Nike Mobile App Store

We've been hearing it for years now.

Bricks & Mobile, the play on the descriptive "Bricks & Mortar".

Truer words were never said.

When I was building the shopping assistant app for regional supermarkets the concept was an in-store shopping assistant.  I envisioned mobile would soon enable concierge level service for the masses.

Hello Nike.

Here is a snippet from the piece:

A year later, the mobile strategy is showing results with direct-to-consumer sales that rose 34% and comparable store sales gains of 5% in fiscal Q4 2017 from a year earlier, per eMarketer research. Nike's website also had about 11% of the online traffic generated by the top 10 U.S. apparel retailers in Q1 2018, one of the only direct-to-consumer brands in the top 10, according to SimilarWeb.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Technological Future of Retail

It isn't often I see a tech journal site do an analysis like this where they step outside their comfort zone.

Fun fun.

For once a technology first site looks at what is happening in brick & mortar retail, rather than the other way around.  Worth the read though it points to a pending larger report from the team. I'll try to update this story with that report once it comes out.


Here is a snippet from the piece:

1. Mobilized shopping

You can now walk into a store, find the product you want, then pull out your phone and order it from an app or a mobile site, and maybe even get same-day delivery. This raises the bar ...

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant