Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Apple's WWDC 2017

The Worldwide Developer's Conference (WWDC) Apple holds every year is an opportunity for the folks in Cupertino to showcase their software work, but has recently been a source for hardware announcements as well.

I think we are seeing the end of the big event announcements from Apple as their new products have been underwhelming year after year.

At this year's conference we saw a slew of software updates such as the new iOS as well as upgrades to hardware and Apple's first new hardware in over 2 years.

I'll capture a bit of the news and provide links for further reading.

The biggest news is a great point of focus to help us see how different Apple is under CEO Cook vs. the days under Jobs.  Cook was the supply chain guy at Apple so why should we expect great creative new product breakthroughs?  Incremental work is what you'd expect from such a leader and that's what we've seen.  Take, for example, the announcement of the Apple HomePod.  This is their competitor to the Amazon and Google devices, the Amazon Echo and Google Home, that have both been quite successful.

Apple HomePod

In the old days under Jobs Apple would have been 2nd or 3rd to the market, exactly as they've done here, but they would have taken the time to learn what works & what doesn't to provide an entry that blows away the competitors.  This device is underwhelming in every way including the name.  Only in one way does it retain the Apple method of old: its the most expensive version of such devices.  This time, however, it isn't nearly worth the price.

Anything Else?

Sure.  Updates to iOS.  An incremental set of changes to the iPad Pro that make it more like the Microsoft Surface tablets (yet still well short).  A super expensive MAC and new MacOS.

Anyway, to read on check out the folks at Re/Code.  As usual their write-up is excellent:


You should read this piece on why one analyst misses Steve Jobs:


Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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