Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Black Friday 2016

The news is starting to come in from the big turkey day shopping season and things are looking increasingly mobile.

Couple headlines for you, and I may add to these later.

First up is the decline of in-store sales this year:


Here is a snippet from that piece:

According to the National Retail Federation, 99.1 million people said they shopped in stores this past holiday weekend, which is down 3 million from last year. Of the four-day weekend, Black Friday was the most popular day to go shopping — 75 percent of the 99 million shopped on Black Friday, up 3.4 percent from last year. And despite Thanksgiving Eve doorbusters, that day only barely outpaced Sunday in terms of in-store traffic. About 40 percent of brick-and-mortar consumers ventured out on Saturday, 35 percent on Thanksgiving and 17 percent on Sunday, the data found.

Next is the increase in online sales this year:


Here is a snippet from that piece:

Adobe today released its 2016 online shopping data for Black Friday and Thanksgiving Day. More than $5 billion ($5.27 billion) was spent online by the end of Black Friday, a 17.7 percent increase year-over-year, according to data released by Adobe Digital Insights over the weekend. The $5.27 billion set a new record by surpassing the three-billion-dollar mark for the first time at $3.34 billion (21.6 percent growth YoY). Thanksgiving accounted for the remaining $1.93 billion, 11.5 percent more than in 2015 (but slightly lower than the $2 billion anticipated.) In addition, Black Friday became the first day in retail history to drive over $1 billion in mobile revenue at $1.2 billion, a 33 percent growth YoY.

So what's going on?  Seems obvious to me.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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