Tuesday, June 3, 2014

How to Drive Adoption and Usage of a Retail Mobile App

Building a new product can be a tremendous challenge.  Finally showing your product to the world can be terrifying.

What if it is poorly received?

What if the product fails?

How can I help ensure my product has the best chance of gaining acceptance by consumers?

In the mobile application world there are plenty of unique challenges, but we can draw tremendously on what has come before.  In the retail world you have the brick & mortar store as an asset as well.  If you are launching a retail mobile app this white paper is for you.

How to Drive Adoption and Usage of a Retail Mobile App

This graphic may be familiar to those of you in sales.  It is the classic funnel approach to understanding a sales pipeline and conversions.  You'll find much more about this concept in the white paper.

Here is the summary paragraph:

     When launching a new retail mobile app three key areas of focus are critical to drive adoption and usage of your new app: (1) Definition of Success, (2) Product Launch, and (3) A Cycle of Innovation. First you must work with the business owner to determine the criteria for success that also aligns with the company’s strategic goals. Next is the crucial, one time only, initial product launch phase. Efforts must be focused on touch points with consumers both outside of the app, in the physical world, and inside, in the digital world. Finally, the ongoing effort must not be overlooked as a critical component of the product’s lifecycle. The effort does not end at launch; rather it is the end of the beginning and the start of a journey. This white paper will provide a high level view of the steps required to help ensure healthy adoption and usage of your retail mobile app.

Even if your app has already launched or you are in the world of websites this should be an interesting read for you as an overview.  The appendices are loaded with great stories and information including reference to three books I highly recommend.

Happy Reading,

J.W. Gant

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