Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Streaming Passes Cable


In the pages of this blog I've been tracking all things technology related in various verticals including streaming video (including a post stating the newly declared Disney+ would become the new Netflix).

The recent news has spurred me to post again.  It has happened.


Streaming video has passed cable tv in viewership.  Wow!  How we have changed (or how far have we come? Have we?).

The milestone was reached in July this year, 2022.  Streaming held 34.8% while cable had merely 34.4% of viewers.  This may be as much about the decline in cable (I cut the cord years ago when my bill went up 39% with no additional services provided) as it is about the advent of streaming but new services being added every day such as Paramount +, Hulu, etc. mean more options in the modern preferred channel.

The next question to ask is, who is doing best at streaming? Netflix is on top and Amazon is #2 but those numbers are likely misleading.


Is Amazon showing elevated streaming numbers because it is a service bundled with Prime, that offers many things as a possible priority to the subscriber over streaming video?  We may not fully know the answer to that yet.


J.W. Gant

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